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  • Estaremos Juntos por la Eternidad
    47.5K 5K 13

    Después de la guerra Harry descubre algunas cosas alarmantes y termina siendo el Maestro de la Muerte. No pasa mucho tiempo que recibe un regalo de parte de ma entidad que le cambiará la vida para siempre, algo que no pudo tener y que Dumbledore se interpuso. Ahora no dejaría que nadie se interpusiera entre él y el r...

  • Harry Potter: La luz que muere
    227K 20.1K 100

    Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore era capaz de prever sucesos muy próximos o futuros, pero su mentalidad provocaba que se creyera incapaz de equivocarse, y que cuando lo supiera lo negara, en sus falsas esperanzas de ver lo mejor de los demás. Siendo considerado el mago más brillante de su tiempo, el mago compa...

  • Conociendo a mi hijo... y EL SUYO ?!(Tomarry)
    34.8K 1.7K 12

    Esta historia es tomarry! El gran engaño de Danbeldore. Se desvelarán verdades y nuevas parejas aparecerán ,empezara contando desde casi el final asta el principio ,entonces sucederá un gran improvisto . Está historia es omegsverse, los omegas hombres no pueden reproducirse como hombres solo como mujeres, y las mujer...

  • InsANe INsiDe (COMPLETED )
    233K 6.6K 22

    He opened his eyes after he was betrayed and killed by the people who he trusted. When he opened his eyes again he was back in time. He did not know what he had done to go back in time but he would make them regret...and go to the other side. Pic ain't mine it's from Google Comments get deleted if i edit a para that u...

    Completed   Mature
  • Chaos (Tomarry) (ON HOLD)
    841K 25.7K 74

    ⚠️ Blood and torture ⚠️ Hadrian Sirius Potter, goes into a Creature inheritance because of his older twin, brother and sister. His mother and father always praised his siblings on being perfect, in their eyes the twins could do no wrong but Hadrian was the problem child. They insist that he is a squib but when it turn...

  • Quem será seu herói?
    355K 27.4K 54

    Harry Potter é o menino que sobreviveu e enquanto ele sobrevive, também aprende que a vida dificilmente é fácil para pessoas como ele. Independente para onde olhe, sempre há dor e ele não sente que um dia conseguirá se encaixar em algum lugar, por isso começa a acreditar que é melhor ficar sozinho. Entretanto, é poss...

    Completed   Mature
  • Harry Potter And The Inheritance
    297K 7.6K 21

    This story starts when Harry is sixteen. One night he goes through a change, then things happen. I promise the book is better than this description, even though this is my first. Anyway, I don't own Harry Potter. There are a few characters that I do own in my story. Enjoy! ABANDONED!!! I chose to rewrite it, but that...

  • Harry Potter e a Serpente de Cristal
    107K 11.6K 22

    Harry encontrasse perdido depois de não conseguir salvar Gina na câmara. Preso em Privet Drive durante as ferias ele recebe uma visita que mudará toda sua historia. Dumbledore mentiroso, Slash, Harry revoltado, mudanças de comportamento, e menções a Drarry.

  • Cliche.
    377K 35.9K 43

    Por obra del destino le dieron una segunda oportunidad. En su vida anterior fue manipulado hasta el día de su muerte, fue un idiota desde el principio a fin. Una vez que mueres te das cuenta de eso, en su vida pasada hizo todo lo que pensó que era correcto y la vida le escupió en la cara. Al principio solamente tenía...

    Completed   Mature
  • When the Two Ends Meet// Tomarry
    352K 12.6K 22

    Harry Potter is the only way to kill Voldemort; the darkest wizard of all time. Harry has been hearing this for years and helping his 'friends' to defeat him. But what happens when the only people he thought to be his friends and mentors, turns out to be his enemies? What happens when he finds out that he has a sister...

  • 🖤🐍
    3.4K 193 31

    КАРОЧ, ФФ ПЕРЕЕХАЛ СЮДА: ЗОВУТ 1995🖤🐍 ВСЁ ТО ЖЕ, НО РАЗБИТ НА ЧАСТИ ДЛЯ УДОБСТВА ЧТЕНИЯ (И ПОТОМУ ЧТО АВТОР КРИВОРУКИЙ...) Сколько-то экшна, в основном ваниль и флафф. Стекла не держим, гадов тоже (только ползучих, но их здесь любят). Обоснуй на...

  • Love, Trust, and Betrayal
    273K 7.2K 28

    When Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore named the older Potter twin Hunter, the boy-who-lived.He didn't realize his mistake or how much it would cost him later. For, in fact, it was the youngest twin Harry who defeated the dark lord. Will Dumbledore realizes his mistake before it's too late? Lily and James end up...

  • Killing Butterflies - HP
    991K 26.9K 52

    Harry comes to Hogwarts but he turns out to be to be the boy they don't expect him to be and those who think can hurt him will find out the true way that they shouldn't of messed with him especially if it's to do with him, his own belongings and those who will truly come to care of - C.W.

  • The revenge of darkness
    52.4K 4.6K 12

    Harry se sentia acabado, tudo que viveu foi uma mentira, não confiava mais em Dumbledore, nem mesmo quem achava que eram seus pais são mesmo, mas reencontrou quem precisava, e seguiria o caminho das trevas junto com sua família. E quem poderia o impedir? Um sonserino nato, colocado na casa errada por sua mente manipul...

  • The Far Away Truths
    140K 3.1K 19

    When harry comes into an unexpected creature inheritance and discovers a whole new life, his world is turned upside down. He finds new connections. New bonds. New family. He strengthens old bonds and breaks toxic ones. Will this change bring good things into his life? Or will his life begins to spiral out of control o...

  • The Relics Of Time
    310K 28.6K 20

    Harry Potter nunca foi apenas Harry, ele sempre foi o menino que sobreviveu, manipulado por Dumbledore e seus supostos amigos, Harry depois de derrotar Voldemort descobre que nunca teve escolhas na vida, mas então ele morre e renasce graças a morte. Mas quem diabos deixou Sirius se reproduzir?

  • Harry Potter e a Caneta Venenosa
    244K 27.4K 31

    Harry já teve o suficiente de ver sua reputação destruída no Profeta Diário e decide fazer algo a respeito. Só que ele decide abraçar o seu lado Sonserino para corrigir os problemas. OBS.: Esta história não me pertence, eu apenas traduzi pra vocês, créditos ao autor GenkaiFan lá do Link para o original...

  • The Malfoy Heir
    1.4K 85 11

    Dumbledore enlouqueceu , na tentativa de roubar o herdeiro Malfoy para os potter e criar uma nova arma que só ele controlaria seu plano falha trazendo para si a ira dos lados negro e cinza as divindades estão cada vez mais furiosas com esse humano imundo tentando machucar seu filho por magia os fundadores querem seu h...

  • Ascensão da Fênix Negra (CONCLUÍDA)
    71.3K 7K 46

    O espírito de Tom Riddle fica intrigado com a habilidade de Harry de falar com cobras. Uma conversa leva a revelações que abalam os alicerces do mundo de Harry. Oferecendo uma saída, Harry aproveita a chance de deixar de ser o fantoche de um homem que não fez nada além de mentir e manipulá-lo desde antes de ele nascer...

    Completed   Mature
  • You Made Me What I Am
    56.4K 2.9K 31

    Harry was living as ordinarily as he could until changes he could not have expected rocked his foundation. With new purpose and resolve, he found he liked his new freedom. Those who had used him did not and sought to regain control, but it was too late and when atrocious actions had been done; Harry was ready to rock...

    Completed   Mature
  • derrota na cela
    189K 21.6K 62

    Traído pelas pessoas em quem confiava, Harry agora está cumprindo uma sentença perpétua em Azkaban! Agora sozinho no mundo, ele faz uma escolha da qual Dumbledore certamente se arrependerá drasticamente. ⚠️AVISOS ⚠️ •Capítulos curtos • Xingar •Casal: Tom Riddle x Harry Potter Isenção de responsabilidade: Eu não possuo...

  • Abraçando Seu Verdadeiro Eu
    61.5K 6.3K 71

    Tom Riddle / Harry Potter. E se Harry não quisesse lutar contra Voldemort? E se ele estivesse farto do lado da luz o julgando constantemente e quisesse ser ele mesmo? O lado sonserino que ele esmagou em uma tentativa de se encaixar e ser aceito? Percebendo que ele nunca faria ... e quanto à profecia? Eles poderiam su...

  • |Dear Soulmate| 《Tomarry》
    13.7K 1.3K 13

    "Morte, estamos prontos" Harry disse junto dos seus verdadeiros amigos, Draco, Luna, Neville, George e, logo, Fred. "Sim Mestre" Disse a entidade de forma feita por sombras. Logo os adolescentes desapareceram, sendo engolidos por uma escuridão e logo uma luz, eles acordaram em seus corpos de 8/9/11 anos. (8 anos par...

  • Contrariorum [TOMARRY]
    553K 22.2K 72

    'Opposites' Harrison was opposite to his sister- Hope- in every way: Where she could barely control her magic, he could summon things when he was only one; where she was trained by tutors to defeat the dark lord, he was in the past getting trained by the founders; And where she was giving her life for the light, he be...

  • The Snake in a Raven's Feathers
    18K 511 10

    Tom Marvolo Slytherin was dining at Great Hall, when he heard something about there being a group of transfer students. All came from a pureblood family either from German, France, or America. Tom knew something was going to happen when those students arrive. He is Afterall, the most handsome, smart, and powerful teac...

  • Controlling
    259K 9K 41

    All his life, Harry didn't, couldn't, control his own fate, always decided and set by others but not him. When secrets came out and he goes back to the past, he won't let others control him, rather he will be the one controlling everyone. ___ Images taken from Pinterest Irregular updates, but i will try publish one a...

  • home is where the heart is (and you hold mine)
    49.4K 1.6K 18

    Something unexpected happens (and wasn't that expected) and Harry is struggling to find Voldemort. He needs to find him Why? Because he was pregnant with the man's child.

  • Shoved in a cell - Tomarry
    1.4M 44.9K 68

    Betrayed by the people he trusted in, Harry is now serving a lifelong sentence in Azkaban! Now alone in the world he makes a choice that Dumbledore will surely regret drastically. ⚠️WARNINGS⚠️ •Short chapters •Swearing •Tomarry: Tom Riddle x Harry Potter •Light bashing •Smut Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter i...

    Completed   Mature
  • The wrong child.
    748K 17.8K 33

    Harry James Potter has a brother named, Jacob Lilly Potter who is declared Boy-who-lived after that fateful Halloween night. But what happens when Dumbledore makes a deadly mistake?

    Completed   Mature
  • Guardian of Hogwarts
    312K 10.8K 30

    Harry flees the Dursley at age 8 after an accident happened with the heater in Dudleys room which caused a slight fire. Trying to extinguish the fire to no avail, Harry goes outside Dudleys room only to have someone hit him with a bat repeatedly. After being left for dead amidst the fire Harry's magic activates turnin...