Satanic bible
Ave satanas
The Holy writings of the Thestic, Traditional, and Spiritual Satanist people, particularly those who align with Joy Of Satan Ministries.
The title says it all. I noticed that there wasn't a version of this on Wattpad and I thought it'd be convenient. There are many like myself who can't find or even if they can find it can't get it because of parents or the likewise so I thought to put it on here for those who, like me can't get it or just don't feel l...
The full Satanic Bible, written by Anton Szandor LaVey. Copied word for word by me, seeing as there aren't any free legible copies anywhere. Enjoy.
Called "The Black Pope" by many of his followers, Anton LaVey began the road to High Priesthood of the Church of Satan when he was only 16 years old and an organ player in a carnival: "On Saturday night I would see men lusting after half-naked girls dancing at the carnival, and on Sunday morning when I was playing...
THE SATANIC BIBLE ANTON SZANDOR LAVEY We don't worship Satan, we worship ourselves, using the metaphorical representation of the qualities of Satan.