Trapped |Jake Sim|
In which Jake moves into a new apartment and a ghost named Sonny suddenly shows up asking him for help...
In which Jake moves into a new apartment and a ghost named Sonny suddenly shows up asking him for help...
Greyville is a misty Asian port city. Known as a child possessed by the devil, Khan lives a lonely life at the Grey Inn on the edge of the city. One day, werewolf brothers appear in Khan's life, and their strange, unexpected cohabitation begins. Not long after, people start to disappear from the city and blood-drained...
Riverfield, a beautiful town by the ocean, is home to the prestigious Decelis Academy. It's also home to seven boys with a secret: they may simply seem like players of the famous sport, Nightball, but they're actually vampires. To escape from their dark past, they try to lead normal lives as students - other than the...
Suddenly, one of his hands reaches towards my face, cupping my jaw and the back of my neck with a firm grip. He leans forward, drawing me closer to him. My eyes widen in surprise as I look between his intense gaze and his lips that are now hovering close to mine. His eyes lower to my lips, and he seems to hesitate as...
After being left at the alter by the love of her life, Briella's life starts falling apart. With the betrayal of her ex-fiancé and her ex best friend, she falls into a deep depression, but still keeps a smile on her face. Billionaire Alexander Romero is the heir to his father's company. One rule states that the pers...
In which unfortunate situations on rainy nights bring two people together... . . . . |Content Warning: Cursing, Sexual Content, Abuse, Mention of S.A|