I Love Yoga
Tim watches Lucy practice yoga and wants to turn those poses into sex positions.
Tim watches Lucy practice yoga and wants to turn those poses into sex positions.
Chris and Street decide to take a trip to Salt Lake City, Utah to celebrate Christmas together. Even if certain aspects of their vacation go unexpected, all matters is that they're together for the holiday and for always.
It's Tim and Lucy's first wedding anniversary...and Super Bowl Sunday. Hosting their friends for a viewing party won't put a damper on their desire to celebrate their anniversary in proper Chenford fashion.
Tim and Lucy are forced to temporarily break up, but the short term separation is enough to cause them to act irrationally. They each end up writing the other's name in concrete to preserve their love.
Tim made t shirts for everyone at the station that displayed a very surprised Lucy Chen when she was caught sleeping during her first night shift. Years later, he still has the shirt. Based on the 1x13 cold open
Angela, Wes, Tim, and Lucy go out on a double date. Nothing goes to plan when something unexpected happens, but they don't need perfect when they have each other.
Lucy attends John and Bailey's wedding alone, but she has every intention of getting back together with Tim over the course of the night. Title is lyrics from "Love Is A Weapon" by Letdown.
Chris and Street are finally going on their first date! Thanks Andrea for the perfect vision for this one and for trusting me to write it, so this is dedicated to you!
Stris 5+1 written for and dedicated to Andrea (@reebkat) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Stris 5+1 with Street and Chris realizing that they love each other and struggling to say it...until they do. This was written for and is dedicated to Andrea (@reebkat) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
It really seems like right now, Chris and Street will never be together (thanks to 5x20), so what do the last 2 episodes have in store for them? I do not own any rights to any of the characters. This is based on SWAT (2017). All rights reserved by CBS and Sony Pictures.
Tim and Lucy have fallen asleep next to each other and shared a bed a few times in their life. Yes, this is one bed slow burn Chenford.
!EXPLICIT! 13 Nights of Chenfordween, Day 3: Scary Movies Lucy picks a scary movie for her and Tim to watch, but he has other ideas for how to make her scream.
In their secret dating era, Tim takes Lucy for a picnic at a secluded lookout point with a great view of the city and some privacy for them to be alone. Title and inspiration for this story is lyrics from "Heartbreak Weather" by Niall Horan.
Tim receives some news and the only person he wants to talk to is Lucy...regardless of how strained things have been between them lately. And it seems that when he shows up at her apartment, it kickstarts a new phase of their relationship... Yes, this is a post breakup AU. Title is translated from the Greek phrase "μ...
Tim and Lucy have known they each wanted a family even before they started dating- they even started planning for grandkids on their second date, but it seemed more difficult to make a family than they anticipated until a little girl came into their lives unexpectedly. Family isn't always blood. It can be CHOSEN. It c...
Immediately following the events of 5x22, Chris and Street have to navigate a new relationship road block that could really change everything. Dedicated to my beautiful wives Mina (@alonsoandstreet) and Fany (@strawfany) who helped me come up with the idea. And of course, this is, as always, for Swattwt <3 I do not ow...
On the weekend of her beachside small town wedding, Aunt Amy admits to Lucy that she is terminally ill and only has one regret in life: that she didn't see her beloved niece get married or at least get engaged. Quick to comfort her sick aunt, Lucy lies and says she's engaged. To Tim. Chaos ensues. Title is lyrics from...
Two members of 20 Squad have been trying to keep a secret, but it's only a matter of time before everyone finds out. Dedicated to the wonderful Ciara (@swatbrainrot) who came up with the idea...she's an absolute treasure. I do not own any rights to any of the characters. This is based on SWAT (2017). All rights reserv...
Street and Chris finally spent the night together, but what's in store for them in the light of day? I do not own any rights to any of the characters. This is based on SWAT (2017). All rights reserved by CBS and Sony Pictures.
After suffering an injury, Lucy loses her memory of recent years, and she doesn't recognize her life at all. Tim is desperate for her to remember their love story, but there's a chance she'll never recall what they mean to each other. Can love survive if Lucy can't recover her memories? Title is the same as "The Story...
Tim has always been a bit self conscious about his scars, but one late evening in the glow of candlelight, he tells Lucy the story of each and every one. Chenford Week Day 6: Inspired by a quote- (same as title) Lyrics from "Iris" by Goo Goo Dolls
As Tim and Lucy's relationship has progressed, the lines between what's hers and what's his have blurred. Title is lyrics from "Mine" by Taylor Swift
!EXPLICIT! Something's not quite right as Tim and Lucy are having sex, and they end up in the hospital. Yes, the title is a play on lyrics from "Daddy Cop" by Zander Hawley...I couldn't resist!
Lucy finds herself holding the dead man's switch of a bomb, but when Tim gets on the scene, he panics and is willing to do anything he can to save her life. But just in case they don't make it out alive, he admits something to her he wants her to know. Title is lyrics from "I Don't Want to Lose You" by REO Speedwagon ...
Tim freaks out a little when he finds out about Tamara's new boyfriend, but Lucy is quick to give Tim a reality check.
Tim and Lucy are celebrating with a little party in their backyard surrounded by family. Thinking about his life, Tim recognizes how crazy his life has become, but maybe that's a good thing. Inspired by "Crazier" by Taylor Swift
Two different nights at the same karaoke bar- one time Lucy and Tim perform the infamous Justin Bieber song "One Less Lonely Girl", and 5 years later, Lucy finds herself at the same bar for her bachelorette party where the same song is performed.