between you and me
The day Hanni dies, Haerin and Minji's world is turned upside down and the distance between them becomes almost too much to repair.
The day Hanni dies, Haerin and Minji's world is turned upside down and the distance between them becomes almost too much to repair.
In the quaint streets of Willow Haven, Café Serendipity exudes an inviting charm. Owner Minji, a spirited soul with a hidden past, brews more than just coffee. Enter Haerin, a mysterious figure drawn to the cafe's nighttime allure. As they navigate the delicate dance of connection, secrets linger in the air. Underneat...
"Or..." Elara's voice trailed off, her dark eyes locking onto Haerin's. "I could just play the black swan for you," she purred, a subtle yet intense challenge in her gaze. Haerin, her heart pounding, couldn't help but smile. "You don't have to do that," Haerin replied, her words laden with gratitude and tension. "I wo...
Minji finds herself with a case of lovesickness from a previous life and a previous lover. She seeks her out in a collection of hazes that leave both of them breathless in the reality that wishes to give them a second chance. ( catnipz. )
Campus heartthrob Kim Minji is seen giving Hybe Entertainment CEO's daughter Haerin a ride home. I didn't even know these two ladies knew each other existed so this is big news for Ador Prep! Honestly I ship it! Xoxo [Rated M for language and some heavy themes later]
Kim Minji was going through her mothers diary one day after she died and found writing and love letters from someone that was not her father. She also found a picture of her mother young next to a group of girls and a boy. As she reaches out to touch the photo suddenly she is transported back in time to the age her mo...
In "Starlit Bonds," Haerin, a powerful vampire harboring an age-old grudge against humans, bites the unsuspecting Minji as she sleeps, altering her life forever. As Minji awakens, she finds herself transformed, her body experiencing mysterious changes beyond her comprehension. Odd occurrences and heightened senses lea...
Title: "Silken Shadows" In the bustling city, a tale of two contrasting lives unfolds. Minji, the picture of perfection in her daily life, conceals a secret identity, Morella, as she escapes to the club, Sérénité, every Thursday night. The thrill of the night helps her cope with the immense pressure she faces. Little...
Step into the grandeur of Melrose Manor Conservatoire, an illustrious English music boarding school where the pursuit of artistic excellence intertwines with hidden challenges and unspoken battles. Meet Haerin, a captivating violinist exuding feline allure, and Minji, a cold and competitive pianist whose icy facade co...
Haerin's heart raced as she rummaged through her bag, realizing her phone was missing. Panic set in, but a small part of her was intrigued by the sudden disconnect from the digital world. With no other option, she ventured out to socialize. Caught between boredom and curiosity, Haerin reluctantly attended gatherings a...
In a world where unspoken lessons often dictate human interactions, "Whispers of the Unseen" unfolds the intricate connection between two individuals, each harboring a world of their own beneath the surface. As their paths unexpectedly converge, their lives become intertwined in a tale of understanding, growth, and se...