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  • Touch
    638 24 1

    Bruce doesn't touch. Tony doesn't like that, but he doesn't know what to do about it. Science Bros (preslash?)

  • Seriously, What Do You Have Against Moments?
    197 11 1

    Just a short Science Bros/Boyfriends high-school AU I thought up when one of my friends quoted Christopher Robin on Facebook.

  • A Lab Bromance
    26.4K 544 15

    Introduction to fanfiction: Now this is a science Bros fanfic which will be about Tony and Bruce only with them being together. Now this story does contain content that is unsuitable for younger readers so anyone 14+ can read it. If you do not like sound of men being together or don't like gay content the don't read...

  • Ask Bruce and Tony.
    2.1K 82 6

    Ask Bruce and Tony questions!

  • The Science Of Destruction ( Science Bros AU)
    7.7K 354 8

    A Science Bros High School AU. Read with caution. Feels and heartache and eternal blushing could be side effects of reading this fanfic.

  • Imagines : TONY & BRUCE
    23.7K 886 10

    Imagine ... if you were to meet Tony Stark or Bruce Banner. Put yourself in the story in my short imagines with Iron Man or the Hulk (as played by Robert Downey Jr and Mark Ruffalo in the MARVEL cinematic universe). (Warning!: Contains Happy/Sad stories, so prepare for the feels!)

  • Science-Bros: the really long and twisty tale of Tony and Bruce.
    16.5K 606 27

    In this story (which is based off of a roleplay I had been doing over email) Tony and Bruce learn of each others love, and through a series of events, that is put to the test. The main pairing in this is Science-Bros, but later on we'll have Spideypool.

  • Trust me, Brucy [The Avengers/Marvel]
    617 23 1

    This one-shot is for the FanficFriday, a contest from Wattpad Fiction. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner go to a bar. What will happen? That's the question to ask. to see what the answer is you should read it! I do not own any of Marvel characters, or the cover picture.

  • Chemistry
    71.8K 2.9K 25

    One year after the New York 'incident' and Bruce Banner and Tony Stark have just finished putting New York and The Avengers Tower back to rights. Now working on a project, the two of them discover some brilliant chemistry. Join Bruce, Tony, Natasha, Clint and others as they struggle through post-chitauri feelings and...

  • [A BannerStark FanFic] More than just Science: Sparks
    13.4K 461 10

    Tony and Bruce start to spend more time together as they live in the Stark Tower together. Techno-engineering and Gamma Radiation may not just be the only scientific topics needed to make sparks fly between these two genius scientists.

  • A Plus
    283 19 1

    Short Science-Bros one-shot. Involves a drunk Tony, a stolen pair of glasses, and a mostly blind Bruce.

  • Questions and Answers
    728 35 2

    Tony and Natasha talk about love. Bruce thinks and leaves…or tries to. Science Bros/Boyfriends, Mild ClinTasha, Tony/Natasha friendship

  • Could He?
    5.3K 140 3

    First ever posted fanfic. Science Bros/ Boyfriends Tony and Bruce realize they love each other... (Rated for language and some kissing...)
