HighFantasy Tips & Tricks
Are you looking to learn all you can about High Fantasy? Join us in this story for all tips and tricks needed to be the best you can be with your fantasy story!
Are you looking to learn all you can about High Fantasy? Join us in this story for all tips and tricks needed to be the best you can be with your fantasy story!
Do you dream of writing a novel, but not sure where to start? Have you been working on a book for ages but feel stuck? Despite all your best efforts, do you feel overwhelmed? Here's a clutter-free guide for planning and writing your novel right the first time. This guide is broken into three 30-minute parts, with eve...
Literary Devices help readers interpret, analyze and appreciate a literary work. These devices can be broken into two parts: Literary Techniques, such as metaphor, hyperbole and alliteration; and Literary Elements, such as plot, setting and theme. We aim to feature all aspects of literary devices here.
How to get the story out of your head and on the page. A collection of blog posts full of writing tips and encouragement. Writing is an ongoing learning experience and whether your a successful novelist or about to pen your first book, there's always room for tips and encouragement. I'll be posting weekly instalements...
How do I get more reads, votes, and comments? If you find yourself asking that question, then I have some answers for you. What can you do to reach out to readers and potential readers? How can you encourage readers to comment and vote? What are all the different ways you can promote your stories? This #1 ranking...
If you're a writer struggling to improve your craft, this book can help. It breaks down the basics of a good story and good writing. It'll also provide a few tips on how to stay motivated. There's no magical formula for instantly likable stories, but you can lay a strong foundation for a future full of writing that fu...
Welcome to the Wattpad Writing Great Fiction introduction! You can browse through the chapters and use them as a reference when needed, or you can treat this like a class in writing fiction. There are assignments you can do, but don't worry, there aren't any due dates. There are lectures, but you don't have to take no...