Torchwood Chatrooms
Follow the Chatroom created by Captain Jack Harkness depicting Torchwood's everyday lives. Who knows what you'll find out? Everyone loves a surprise and this is nothing but surprises.
Follow the Chatroom created by Captain Jack Harkness depicting Torchwood's everyday lives. Who knows what you'll find out? Everyone loves a surprise and this is nothing but surprises.
TORCHWOOD:NEXT GENERATION Amy Pond, Rose Tyler, Clara Oswald, and Jack Harkness all have something in common. They all traveled with the doctor. One night they all meet in a bar and have a encounter with alien life. From then on they cant seem to get a break from the action. All rights reserved no stealing thats not...
Here are recounted many of my personal experiences and mistakes, along with my friends, who have supported me in these few years of my life. There are a few cool covers for the different chapters included too. ;-)