Vainilla Y Otras historias
La obsesión de Owen por el perfume de Claire da inicio a la historia de amor entre ambos. Un vínculo tan fuerte que no logra romperse
La obsesión de Owen por el perfume de Claire da inicio a la historia de amor entre ambos. Un vínculo tan fuerte que no logra romperse
Clawen fanfic, what happened to Claire and Owen after Jurassic World. Do you they stick together?
The year is 2015. Terminator Salvation actress Bryce Dallas Howard is enduring a rough time in her personal life, when she is confirmed to be in Jurassic World. Her breakthrough. But what happens when she meets a man, famous for being a Marvel hero the year before, who helps her through thick and thin, and despite his...
I know Chris is married to Anna and Bryce is married to Seth. I would never want them to break up. This is just how far my imagination can go. I hope you guys like it.
After JW3, and working on many more movies after that, the main JW duo, of Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt, is pleasantly surprised when it is revealed that there is going to be a Netflix series named after their beloved ship 'Clawen' itself. But what happens when things go.. well, judging by the first stories...