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  • Blood And Stone
    416 63 28

    Lyric. There was nothing extraordinary about her, at least not in her mind. She was nothing but a young servant in a wealthy farmer's house, picking berries, cooking meals, and scrubbing floors. Until one fateful day when a nearby village was set ablaze by a gang of madmen determined to slaughter all. It was this day...

  • The Quintet -The Water Formula
    73 29 14

    How do you call an element wielder who can't really connect with her element? No...don't say it...we don't use bad names here. Mostly. Except for Arlo. But he's allowed. Sheltered dear Lyra discovers she can wield one of the five elements that helped create the magic world, but with that discovery she also gets a moun...

  • Serpents and Stairways
    64.1K 5K 41

    The fairytale formula is simple-it takes a hero, one that's brave and cunning, a magical assistant to aid them, a worthy adversary, and on the other side of fall and triumph they reach the happy-ever-after. Dinah, being a philology graduate, is a master of fairytales. She's read them all cover to cover, and she's live...