Camila is an ordinary girl with an ordinary life. But one day, her ordinary job takes her on a business trip to Singapore where she meets someone who will bring the extraordinary to her ordinary life. Daniel Ricciardo x OC
Camila is an ordinary girl with an ordinary life. But one day, her ordinary job takes her on a business trip to Singapore where she meets someone who will bring the extraordinary to her ordinary life. Daniel Ricciardo x OC
A fiction based on F1 world with a mix of original characters and real life characters. Elena hasn't been happy for a long time but she is determined to change that. She moves to Italy from her native Spain following her dreams and there she will find a new life full of new opportunities. But it will be her decision...
Versión en español del original "Meet me halfway". Una novela basada en el mundo de la Fórmula 1 con una mezcla de personajes originales y de la vida real. Elena lleva mucho tiempo sin ser feliz pero está empeñada en cambiarlo. Se muda a Italia desde España, su país natal, siguiendo sus sueños y allí encontrará una n...