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  • dislike ↠ draco malfoy
    1.9M 38.9K 58

    "I strongly dislike you, Draco Malfoy." Evangeline Hastings is transferring from Beauxbatons to Hogwarts for her sixth year of school. While struggling with the death of her mother, she meets a mysterious boy named Draco Malfoy, who she can't help but fall in love with. set during the Halfblood Prince dedicated to: @...

  • Harry's Godmother - Part 2
    205K 6K 36

    Based off my other work, Harry Potter AU: Harry's Godmother, this story revolves around what would happen if Tawny had survived the attack on St. Mungo's. Harry's Godmother - Part 2 shows what would have happened if J.K. Rowling's story continued as written in the books, but with a twist: instead of the Dursleys' rais...

  • Harry Potter AU: Harry's Godmother
    174K 4.1K 7

    When Lupin gives Harry a tin of magical photographs of his parents and Sirius, one face sticks out to him. A mysterious blonde stranger appears in over half the photos, causing Harry to question why he's never heard of this woman. To his surprise, Harry learns that the woman is his godmother, Tawny, and that his godfa...
