Beautiful poetry
Short Stories of Harry Potter Characters. All the original Harry Potter Character belong to JK Rowling.
The collection dives into the rich tapestry of human experiences, exploring themes that resonate universally. Love takes center stage in stories that reveal the complexities of relationships, whether romantic, familial, or platonic, showcasing moments of connection, heartbreak, and enduring bonds. Loss permeates narra...
My Conversations on Talkie. Short stories of all kinds. Each chapter is a different story. This story is fanfiction inspired by Talkie game. All the original Harry Potter Character belong to JK Rowling.
"Vincent wishes for love" is a captivating paranormal romance that follows the extraordinary journey of Vincent, a vampire, and Eleanor, a human, as they defy all odds and strive to prove the power of their love to both the vampire and human worlds. Vincent, an ancient and enigmatic vampire, has always lived in the sh...
In a small village, young Emily ventures into a forbidden forest, seeking the truth behind the legend of the Weeping Willow. The ancient tree holds a dark secret that fills those who approach it with profound sadness. Despite warnings, Emily succumbs to the tree's power and becomes trapped in its web of despair. Years...
"Hope of Love" is a heartwarming love story that unfolds in a picturesque town. Charlotte, a vibrant artist, and Daniel, a talented musician, meet at an art exhibition, drawn together by their shared passion for creativity. As their love blossoms, they explore the beauty of life, dancing under moonlit skies and steali...
In the corridors of Hogwarts, where secrets echo and shadows dance, the enigmatic potions master Severus Snape finds his icy heart thawing in the presence of Rose Riddle, a mysterious and spirited young witch. As their paths intertwine, Snape is forced to confront his past and the darkness that has consumed him for so...
its about an angel that falls in love with the devil