INFP II الوسيط
احٍتاجٍ شُيء ڪالُِبَحٍرٍ يسمعٍني بَصمت وُلُِا يجٍادِلُِني هذَا عٍالُِم صغيرٍ بَحٍجٍم من يمتلُِڪوُن نمطُ انفُبَ , وُيمڪن لُِاشُخـاص الُِذَين يوُدِوُن اڪتشُافُنا نحٍنوُا شُخـصيين الُِانضمام لُِهذَا الُِحٍي الُِمتوُاضعٍ
احٍتاجٍ شُيء ڪالُِبَحٍرٍ يسمعٍني بَصمت وُلُِا يجٍادِلُِني هذَا عٍالُِم صغيرٍ بَحٍجٍم من يمتلُِڪوُن نمطُ انفُبَ , وُيمڪن لُِاشُخـاص الُِذَين يوُدِوُن اڪتشُافُنا نحٍنوُا شُخـصيين الُِانضمام لُِهذَا الُِحٍي الُِمتوُاضعٍ
(all of the picture's in the story are not owned by me, they are from pinterest 🫶🏻) THE SHIPS: enfpxintj isfjxestp entpxinfj enfjxinfp istjxesfp intpxistp entjxestj isfpxesfj #MBTI #ENFPxINTJ #ENFP #INTJ #mbtistories #university #autumn #novel #INFP #INFJ #ENFJ #INTJ #ENTJ #ENTP #INTP #ESTP #ISTP #ESFP #ISFP #ISFJ...
~ هنا ستجد جميع المعلومات عن INFP ~ ~ ليس من المفترض أن يمثلك نمطك 100% ~ ~ النمط هو من يمثلك و لست أنت من تمثله ~ ~ البارتات قصيرة ~
Why it's great to be INFP and other ideas to help you thrive. Written by an INFP, for INFPs, this collection of essays and articles explores what it means to be INFP in a world where it feels like you're constantly swimming upstream. From inspirational thoughts, new ways of looking at things and recognizing your stre...
فَقَطْ أمنْحّ ذَاتِي الحُرِيةً فِي الإفْصَاحِ عمَّا يُخَالِجُهَا .... كونّّ الـINFP شَخْصَيَةٌ كَتُومَةٌ جِداً ... نَحَنُ البَشَرُ الذيِنَ ولِدنَا لنُقتَل و نَمُوتَ و نَنْتَحِبَ فِي الغُرَفِ المُعْتِمَة و نُحِبَ فِي الغُرِفِ المُعْتِمَة...... > " مُلاحظة : أنا intj و لم أعد infp لكن الكتاب سيستمر كما هو :) " Cover By...
lyrics cut from songs i always listen to. #7 in 'description' 2018.09.29 #6 in 'myersbriggs' 2018.11.18
All the MBTI types live together in an apartment building. some are in different rooms, but the premise is Enfp, Intj, Istp, and Esfj all live together in one room, and chaos insures. I will be writing about different rooms in the apartment because I want to include as many of the 16 personalities as I can. I might sw...
Your welcome my children (Disclaimer none of the art nor the memes are mine all credits go to their respective owners)
Has anyone ever told you that you are lonely, you look depressed, when in reality you like your own company or just you don't feel like sharing your story with others. Then here is the experience one introvert (and many things) faces when they live alone. To know more, read more:)
♡They're type based on cognitive function, not any weak online test ('ヮ') ♡This is based on true story ♡I write as guidance for my animation ♡Illustration on the cover is by me ♡Thanks if u read
Sequel to "Personality Types Stuff". Found out what your personality type is in previous book? Why don't you read a few facts about your and other MBTI personality types? Here is where you can enjoy reading them!
⇣بِالرُغمِ أنَ المُعالِج مُعَقَد ، لكِنَهُ يُحاوِل فَكَ عُقَدِ الناس 𖤐. ⇣بِالرُغمِ مِن اِنعِدامِ وَقتِ المُعالِج ، اِلا أنَّهُ يُقسِمُ كُلَ وقتِه لِكُلِ شِبرٍ مِن حَياتِه 𖤐. ⇣بِالرُغمِ أنَ المُعالِج لَطيف ، اِلا أنَ لا أحَد يُأمِنُ بِذلِك 𖤐. 《بَدَأت : 22/02/20》 《اِنتَهَت :𓅰|𓅰|𓅰》
وصف مبسط يوضح حقيقة أن الأنماط على الواقع ليست حقاً كما يكتب او كما يعتقد انها تبدوا عليه
Here you can find everything about INFPs. I write and share interesting facts, quotes and thoughts about and for INFPs.
In this collection of short stories, MBTI ships are thrown into different, unrelated scenarios! Every chapter tells a different story - one moment INFP and ENTP are stuck in a closet together, and in the other, all 16 types are simply having fun in the living room! Join all of them in this heart-throbbing experience...