He wasn't sure whether to be flattered or insulted by her obvious hesitancy.
She knows it doesn’t mean as much if she has to force him to say it, but she’s feeling needy right now (and Stevie hates that so much because she doesn’t need him; she just sort of, well, depends on him, dammit)...
"I swear to God, I wouldn't touch you if you were the last man on Earth."
He backs you up against the door before your fingertips even get to his belt.
She lay unmoving on the bed, quiet and still, and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to join her or leave her in peace...
She’d imagined it numerous times. At one end of the scale, his wife would overhear them having sex in the dressing room, would slam doors, scream and shout about betrayal, perhaps even throw divorce papers at his chest. Sometimes she thought it would be less dramatic. He would come over one day, suitcases in hand, ask...
It was awkward. He didn’t know what to say to her. And she, the woman who had never been short of something to talk about, just stared up at him.
Her place was (or, at least, ought to be) next to him, holding his hand, but instead she was sitting next to his eldest daughter, simultaneously trying to comfort her and draw comfort from her.
He knew she was surprised by the way her eyes widened just slightly. Another give away was the way that she practically threw the comforter over her upper body where she lay in bed…
They’d crept back to her hotel room from a band meeting less than ten minutes ago, her hand in his, knowing exactly what was happening, what was going to happen...
Sometimes Stevie liked to go all out when she bought his birthday presents. Other times, she felt something smaller, more intimate, more knowing, was appropriate. And on special occasions, she liked to fuck with Lindsey’s head…
When had certain habits and behaviors that she’d once found abominably irritating become endearing and adorable?
He talks about compartmentalization a lot. He also rambles about subtext and cycles and denial. She may as well go and read a thousand interviews spouting similar stock phrases and annoyingly pretentious words for all the good this talk is doing.
The first day after the news, she hears the door open as afternoon fades to evening, and she feels a rush of anticipation before realizing the one person she wants to walk through it won’t. Ever.
The first line they crossed breached the gap between friendship and romance. Their first kiss was not memorable, not anything special. But she always remembered it...
With her, it was easy. “Good morning, honey,” she said as he came downstairs for breakfast, bleary-eyed and unshaven.
Your kiss changed when I finally lay beneath you on that bed. It became less urgent...
Did it make her a bad person that she automatically felt satisfied at hearing one of Lindsey’s songs when she knew it was about her? Well, self-centered at the very least. Though that wasn’t exactly news…
"Sometimes I want to live forever, to be the last one standing, and then there are moments when I wonder whether I can even survive one more death in my life."
He'd tied her to him over ten years ago, and there was no undoing that knot.
She was met at the front door by a tired looking Kristen. With her hair pulled back in a messy bun and her shirt stained with god knows what, Lindsey’s girlfriend looked beautiful. And young. Sometimes Stevie hated her for that.
Set in 2016: After fifty years, Stevie and Lindsey suddenly realize that things are not how they were supposed to be...
Bored with pretty much everything in his life, Lindsey joins a dating app. AU.
What happens when Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham miss each other? Attention: This story deals with heavy mature themes and language. Nothing in this story is fact, purely fiction!
Two friends, unspoken feelings and a misunderstanding. Will it end it all or will it be just the beginning?
A series of vignettes between 1997 and today. All the dates and events are real, even though I totally made up how they handle them.
It's been a while, but Lindsey has a chance encounter with Stevie and they reconnect in a way they hadn't in a long time. Set in 2013.