The story of a young boy who woke up in the future after a tragic storm sent him away from his family and into the future, and he teams up with a girl and he has to find his way back to the past.
The story of a young boy who woke up in the future after a tragic storm sent him away from his family and into the future, and he teams up with a girl and he has to find his way back to the past.
Alex's little siblings, Amy and Anthony, had been having strange visions that always came true for years now, and were always scaring their classmates. Teachers and guardians had been begging Alex to send his siblings to a mental institution for a while, but he was scared they'd be mistreated. Finally, he found a plac...
Welcome to The Wattpad HQ Community Happenings story! We are so glad you're part of our global community. This is the place for readers and writers to come to discover all the things we're doing to keep our community connected and inspired. From writer prompts to keep you motivated to weekly reading challenges, you'l...
In the aftermath of a nuclear war, survivors in North America forged a desperate existence. To shield themselves from lingering radiation, they constructed towering dome cities. Decades later, sixteen-year-old Asher Metaxus resides within the confines of New Niagara. Though expected to contribute to the workforce, thi...