[PoohPavel] Vờn Nhau Thôi
Pavel là mèo nhỏ, còn Pooh là chó con. Họ vờn nhau qua lại thế đấy.
Pavel là mèo nhỏ, còn Pooh là chó con. Họ vờn nhau qua lại thế đấy.
1 fic mới của tui về Poohpavel tiếp nhá 🤭, lần này đổi gió xíu viết về thanh xuân vườn trường nè, ấm áp,dễ thương thích hợp cho những ai mún chữa lành tâm hồn mình nhé☺️ Mọi chi tiết trong truyện đều là sp của trí tưởng tượng ko phải là sự thật đâu nha,chỉ là những cảm hứng bất chợt thôi ạ ko rep- up hoặc mang e...
Pooh Krittin es un jóven que ha pasado por tanto y nunca se ha rendido. Pero todo llega a su límite cuando no puede con los gastos de una madre enferma. Lo único importante que le queda en la vida. Necesita dinero y ante la desesperación toma medidas drásticas como perder la dignidad y el orgullo ante Pavel Naret un...
Las apariencias engañan, y los sentimientos también. Los hechos moldean a las personas, pero no siempre logran endurecer sus corazones. A veces, un corazón tierno puede transformarse en su opuesto, devorado por una avalancha de emociones que nos consume y afecta nuestras vidas cotidianas. Si esto representa un desafí...
Dos familias, dos hermanos en cada familia, dos matrimonios concertados... Pero cuando empiezan a conocerse, cada uno de ellos se enamora del novio equivocado, en contra de la voluntad de los mayores de las familias. ¿Qué parejas triunfarán? ¿Las establecidas por los padres o las que el amor quiere?
Charlie babe live together and we're happy, on their anniversary charlie decided that he wanted to plan a huge surprise for babe who was sulky and he seriously didn't know y, that day after planning everything charlie waited for babe with cake in his hands only for babe to forget about it charlie slept waiting and whe...
*Genre:* Mature Romance, LGBTQ+, Drama *Description:* In the exhilarating world of commercial aviation, Air Pilot Pooh and Air Host Pavel embark on a passionate journey. Their chance encounter sparks an unstoppable attraction, fueling stolen moments in airport hotels and clandestine trysts during layovers. As they soa...
A compilation of my twitter (@icemochawithice) poohpavel au prompts from my delulu mind this is just a work of fiction and does not resemble any real-life events. I have just used PP as characters.
"What...we're doing....no..w...?" "It's...it....workshop~~" PoohPavel is a famous ship couple but what if the fan service isn't like before anymore. What if one of them actually fall. Will the other accept it? What if they're more than just Phi-nong behind the curtains? 1in#poohpavel 1in#babecharlie 7in#pitbabetheseri...
"Babe era un omega que no entendía porque ningún alfa se le acercaba." "Charlie era un alfa celoso que esperaba el momento perfecto para acortejar a su P' favorito." |PoohPavel adaptación. |Contenido omegaverse. |Obra escrita por vantedaes, créditos y derechos correspondientes.
Charlie Krittin es un guapo chico de veinticuatro años, el cual está en su último año de Universidad, quien hasta el momento no le había preocupado tener una pareja formal pues ha ido de conquista en conquista. Desde que se emparejaron, cada día ha visto a sus amigos estar de lo más felices juntos con sus novios y eso...
Như tiêu đề. Cái này ra đời là để chữa lành cho mấy chị em bị Heavenly Ending của tôi quật tơi tả. Viết H dở ẹc nên hoan hỉ tha thu nhé 💕 LƯU Ý!!!!!!! Truyện thuộc loại nặng đô, cân nhắc trước khi đọc
What if Charlie is not the innocent Alpha Boy as he is showing .. What if all the nerdy innocent boy is just a facade to cover his true intention.. Read to find out..
Đây là fan fic với nội dung cuộc sống vợ chồng của CharlieBabe sau khi kết thúc Pitbabe. Ít drama, ngọt sâu răng, cơm chó ngập mồm, nóng hừng hực. Mại dô, mại dô. * Cảnh báo: Truyện này CharliBabe là chính, nhưng sẽ có một vài cảnh Babe đâm Charlie. Bạn nào không thích cảnh này thì nhờ bạn bỏ qua chương 25, 26, 38, 39...
Babe always thought He knew could depend on his senses... But when those fail him and he is pushed to believe it's Charlie's fault, it only takes a slight push for him to start accusing the boy of treason... But the Truth had been before Babe's eyes all the while, He was just unwilling to see it. and now he is racing...
"When art and politics clash, two students must find a way to work together. Pavel, the Art Club President, and pooh, the Student Council President, must balance their passions and priorities. Will they find a way to create? "In the heart of the school, a creative storm is brewing. Pavel, the fiery and passionate Pres...
Just a little Charliebabe smut😉🔞 ⚠️Content warning ⚠️ *Graphic language *Violence *Explicit sexual content *Non-consensual content
Charlie and Babe story but it will include other characters just not as much, This story is omegaverse😁 Byeeee
Babe recebe uma ligação de Charlie buscando seu serviço sexual por apenas uma noite às escondidas. - História de minha autoria. - Contém cena de sexo entre dois homens, se não curte não leia.
"Não vou sossegar até fazer você meu, Charlie.." Sussurrou contra o ouvido do garoto que sentiu-se arrepiar o corpo todo. "Babe, pare de mexer com a porra da minha cabeça! Eu namoro a sua irmã, e você sabe que eu amo ela!" Puxou o pulso de Babe, com meio tesão e meio raiva. Charlie inalou o cheiro enjoativo do homem...
A story of a Guy whose name is thup who can see ghosts......and day he meet a police investigator whose name is "Singha" who dont believe in ghosts but thup noticed that whenever he is with singha he dont see any ghost around him.... . . . 💋(Lets see what happen when two same rude person meet....) . . . . *Omegavers...
A Babe le gustaba su mejor amigo.. ♡Charlie Top- BabeBottom ♡Drama.Juvenil.Romance ♡Adaptacion Autorizada ©Sxmybxe_ ♡inicio:6/05/2024 ♡Finalizada:14/05/2024 3/06/2024 #1 Sailubpon
A PoohPavel fanfic story... (Pavel has a illness he doesn't like too share) All I can hint is that is is based of a company. Which Pooh is a Ceo of his own company and his parents want him to get married but he doesn't find interest in anyone he sees (he's picky) then he meets Pavel, an intern for the company who pre...
❝Él es mi turrito, le gustan los pilotos❞ ¿Quién diría que Charlie caería rendido a los pies de aquél peli-negro en cuestión de una carrera? Aunque quizá, el primero en hacerlo había sido Babe. [•••] 🏁 Charlie + Babe (de la serie Pit Babe). 🏁 Butaquera: normalmente se u...
[Plot-: a sad love with happy ending a love story of a young rich college student who fall in love madly with his teacher who is married..is falling in love with a married person is wrong..?] . . [If yes then ans this question] What is the meaning of love for you..? . -: oh for me its just that when you start liking...