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  • Different.. ( Disventurecamp Fiore)
    4.1K 119 16

    "Im more than what you think. Alec." Finshed!!

  • "Your parents were right." // DISVENTURE CAMP AFTERMATH
    2.5K 101 13

    A clever child, Fiore, had escaped the hell-hole many call 'school'. Only to find more troubles than easy multiplication for 7 year olds along the way, one of those being an old friend she had known, they were on a reality television show named 'Disventure Camp', the two had a bond, it was soon broken up from Fiore's...

  • Family.
    1.7K 21 12

    Change of story but now slight horror?

  • "Your silhouette, a pale mist." // DISVENTURE CAMP
    603 12 2

    grief. deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone's death. -- Grief is a serious emotion, it's not just sadness, or being depressed, it's the emotion that makes you willing to rot and die, letting go of it all and letting the forest take over you. She just wanted to be a millionaire.

  • Blood-stained page
    327 10 1

    Fiore is good at hiding her emotions. Maybe a little too good. (HAS A PART 2 TITLED "Please never do that again....)

  • Please never do that again....
    391 10 1

    A continuation of my last fic, "Blood-stained page". Where Alec finds out about what Fiore did. Takes place during the end of season 1 episode 13, when everyone is waiting for the bus.

  • Lost and Found
    5.2K 100 8

    Alec finds an abused child in an abandoned alley.
