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  • Hermione Malfoy
    53.2K 957 45

    HeadGirl was always the dream. However, Draco Malfoy being HeadBoy was not what Hermione had wanted or expected. Sharing a common room with the know it all, headstrong, cocky Draco Malfoy was a shock not only for Hermione but a shock to everyone. Will they be able to get over their past to make the year bearable? Will...

  • Follow Me Hermione // Draco x Hermione
    98.5K 1.9K 17

    'Vero Verto!' Nothing happened. "Ah Merlin! Why aren't I getting it?" Hermione cursed. She was about to slam her Transfiguration book shut, when she felt a hand land softly on her shoulder. "Here..." Draco said, looking at the feather. He placed his other hand over her wand wrist. "What..." "Shh. Now, I'll count to...
