Trans Twins | LAES AU
Lumini story that contains multiple POVs.
had to make a new one because my last one was at maximum of chapters-
You'll have needed to watch the shows (The Sun and Moon Show & The Lunar and Earth Show, probably also a small bit of The Eclipse and Puppet Show) to understand all of these If a character is confirmed to have something I won't change it (ex: Moon being aroace) Also if I do miss something that's been confirmed please...
Comfort from your favorite celestial animatronics!<3 (None of the art is mine, unless stated)
Unlike the Trans Variant of the book, this consists of sexuality/romantic orientation.
this is all a joke I was bored and I want to do more :3 so a book for now any lunar simp card is a joke -_- this is all a joke
!!Warning!! R@ping, Harmful Word's, A@b*se, Bad Spelling, Bl*od, Lore, Angst Cuz Words Sex And Sex Toys, Adult Words The Ships Will Be In One Of The Parts Just Wait Ok Some Things Will Random'le Change Stitch, FC And Frank Will Be In Here Redemption Stitch Wreath Is Here As Long As Redemptio...
questa sarà una storia ispirata ai due personaggi molto noti del nuovo fnaf , ormai uscito più di due mesi fa . oltre a questa storia ne ho anche una in inglese , Anche se sono due storie completamente diverse . <3 Spero vi piaccia . addio ed un abbraccio a voi simp~ ahshsh<3
Jack learns about solars death and runs into eclipse mistaking eclipse for solar and ends up calling eclipse "Mama!" and not letting eclipse go and clinging to him eclipse think it's not hard to be nice for once...and helps Jack grieve over solars death and becomes jacks new parent...
This is a moon and eclipse x lunar story there will be some smut but not a bunch
This is TSaMS, this is my au and headcanons if you don't like them you can leave, this story is for those who want to read it and like it, happy reading!! DISCLAIMER!!! THE CELESTIAL SIBLINGS ONLY SEE SOLAR AS A FRIEND! NOT FAMILY!
Y/n Will Go By They/Them, I'll try my best to make them gender neutral! -- Y/n Is stolen from the real world, Finding themself in the Fnaf Universe. Y/n is a massive Fnaf Fan, With absolutely nothing to lose. But one thing they didn't expect, Was to end up being the 'Boss' Of all the animatronics.... -- Takes place A...
The celestial family were once the happiest in town! until their father had done something to their mother they could never say. ever since this incident, they hadn't talked to anyone, nor even went outside often. the one who was The most Colorless? Lunar. he hadn't spoken in years. he talked to his siblings and such...
☀️questa è la mia prima xreader, spero vi piaccia e che lasciate una stellina ^^ vi lascio alla storia e attenzione, per chi non sapesse dei finali del gioco, ci saranno spoiler., inoltre volevo avvertire che gli animatronici della storia saranno presentati con sembianze umane e che non avendo giocato al gioco alcune...
||I think this is original I think unless another person out there posted a story called sams groupchat|| This is probably gonna hold a lot of chaos in this story lol I hope you enjoy it! Feel 100% free to add suggestions in the comments and you might get picked. I know nobody's gonna comment but I might as well just...
this is about the sun and moon show, so watch it for more details.<33 father : kill code child 1 : eclipse/solar child 2: bloodmoon child 3 : bloody enjoyyyy Tws; -cussing -angst -fluff -non canon reactions -no ships (sorry) and -no sun and moon, the entire series is about solar, bm, bloody, and kc<3
Chat tra i personaggi di Glitter e Candy ci saranno gruppi,chat, incontri e molte altre cose. buona lettura😀✨
Lunar and Gemini had been married for 2 years now, it was all going well until Leo decided to take a wrong turn in the galaxy. he had Caused Pollux and Castor, along with all the others to grow ill, so the celestial family has been taking care of them. Lunar has been trying to fight off Leo for a month now, and stil...
My headcanons! :> Moon will have his canon aroace!!!! BECAUSE HE IS CANON AROACE AND I AM NOT DELETING THAT!!! >:(
Well... yeah I subconsciously copied another Lumini fic in a lot of ways, but very poorly, and I think my old writing is really cringe (especially ones with ships). I made a very poor, and unplanned ending because I don't have the energy or motivation to write what I had originally planned
("" Starry nights remind me of you... " (Lunar x Castor)" is a fanfiction that is a new version of an old fanfic I made on my friends wattpad account, though there will be millions of changes due to my newer headcanons and such) (Cover made by Galazysugarr on tumblr and twitter)