A collection of TOP 100 All-time fave Izuocha's Doujinshi (English Trans) - PART 1
A collection of TOP 100 All-time fave Izuocha's Doujinshi (English Trans) - PART 1
♡ | ❝ YEAH, I'M HERE. ❞ [ LONG HIATUS ] - fluffy oneshots of our floating, pink mochi and lil' freckled bean. ( REQUESTS OPEN. ) note: no smuts. [ ALL ART BELONGS TO ARTIST. DM IF YOU ARE AWARE OF THE ARTIST OR REQUEST TO REMOVE IT. ]
Trăind intr-o viața normala fără super-puteri, realitatea e mai copleșitoare decât fantasticul..
☆ An Izuocha fanfiction ☆ English is not my original language ☆ Planning to not make this story that long ---- "Calm down Izuku, it will all be fine". "I...can't believe it..". "It will all be fine, they will both survive, don't worry, okay?". "Okay...I think...okay".
Kurogiri finds Izuku after he gets beaten up by Bakugo and takes him back to the bar to take care of his wounds. But after a horrible accident, Kurogiri becomes more than a friend to Izuku. He becomes a caretaker to Izuku, leading him to a more safe home in the bar. Which leads Izuku to accept more eccentric family me...
În aceasta poveste este vorba despre Yuki Aizawa, fiica lui Aizawa Shouta(Eraserhead) care este profesor la renumitul liceu UA, dar și erou profesionist. Aceasta se transfera la UA în clasa 1 A imediat după ce a auzit de bătălia purtata de aceștia contra Ligii Infractorilor, la USJ. Gândul ca putea sa își piardă tatăl...