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  • My name is not Lolita
    357 18 13

    Poetry about (not) falling prey to older men with a fetish for innocence, about girlhood and those in the shadows who enjoy stealing it. I've had many names, none are Lolita. "I want him the way a child wants candy Meaning it would be wise to refuse me Through his lips my name feels alive again Somebody guide me or p...

  • Lolita (Case Study of a Nymphet) (COMPLETE)
    32.9K 382 8

    Carmen has a reputation as a good girl at Howard High School. Her grades are desirable. She has it all going for her. But that image as a good girl is a deceitful façade, waiting to be unmasked.

  • Nada
    2.5M 97.1K 70

    Valeria y La Sombra no tienen nada en común excepto sus encuentros en casa de él algunas noches. En realidad, no se hablan fuera de eso. Valeria es una adolescente que recién cumplió diecisiete y trata de sobrevivir a su problemática vida. Y con los problemas económicos que afronta su madre, los problemas para adaptar...

  • Withered Poetry
    71 23 7

    A collection of poems (and others) written by LightInTheDark07