Comics Boku No Hero (Terminada)
Aqui você vai ver comics de Boku No Hero traduzidas por mim :3 Créditos ao seus devidos donos das comics :)
Aqui você vai ver comics de Boku No Hero traduzidas por mim :3 Créditos ao seus devidos donos das comics :)
Izuku: ohmygod Dig: he's doing it again Izuku: ERASERHEAD??? Aizawa: Nedzu, who's this? Rat God: a human child that was spontaneously and suspiciously added to this chat. We're having a conversation with him ~Alternatively~ Izuku is "accidentally" added to a chat full of U.A. staff and is subsequently adopted. Immedia...
What if one day nezu was walking the school neighborhood and then find a little baby in ally way in a basket all there is is a single note along with a penguin stuffed animal that's wearing a dinosaur costume I had adopted this book from @EeveeMaster120 so if you want to see the original then go check that out also if...