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  • A Lumen Ripple | An Elemental Story
    28.1K 749 43

    Set after the events of Pixar's 2023 film Elemental, a fiery and determined Ember Lumen and go-with-the-flow Wade Ripple start their new lives in the bustling Elementopia; where Ember's passion in glass-making can be realized. However, success and happiness don't come their way instantly. They must question their need...

  • The Inter Elementals | An Elemental Story
    643 7 2

    Following the events of A Lumen Ripple, Ember and Wade find themselves settling into life in Elementopia. A recent spark has encouraged Wade to pursue becoming a therapist, whilst Ember is to complete anger management therapy to keep her job at Aquatecture. Even with new goals set, Elementopia and its people have mor...