Danganronpa characters but/headcannons
I was thinking to myself- why not merge danganronpa characters with random things/give them random things like pets or something? so I made this. Also, headcanons Edit- HOLY SHIT 10.5K VIEWS THANK YOU-
I was thinking to myself- why not merge danganronpa characters with random things/give them random things like pets or something? so I made this. Also, headcanons Edit- HOLY SHIT 10.5K VIEWS THANK YOU-
2nd Danganronpa but/headcannons book (Every image used is found on Google)
Head canons written by Zero First few will be Kotoko, because I love her and I feel bad for her The random oneshot is great if you wanna just read that tho, its gay and OumaSai Bottom!Shu, no smut besides implied smut tho. (Also, there's one chapter, called Miu writes about her classmates or something, that I think is...