Ambition {An August Alsina Story}
Ambition- (noun)a strong desire to do or achieve someting requiring determination and hard work.
Ambition- (noun)a strong desire to do or achieve someting requiring determination and hard work.
Melanie and August Alsina been best friend since womb. Nothing can tear them apart. They both have feelings for each other. But what happens when they get in a serious relationship? Will they still be besties? How will it affect his career read on!
Kaitlyn had it all. She was a model, and lived in L.A with her mom. Her mom passed away and she moved in with her dad in the Bronx. She meets a guy named August. They start to have feelings for each other until Kaitlyn finds out that his best friend is her ex, Bow wow. What will she do now? Will she continue with Augu...
Baby is 17 years old. 5'4 , thick , gets good grades and nothing can ever get in her way. Except King. King is a Drug dealer and runs more than half of Miami. What will happen when these too cross paths. ( Baby is the lighter skinned one.
Its about a girl who had a big Crush on August Alsina but she was a nerd day they got.together but find out more
All girls have troubles with boys and just need help! You one of them? This is he book for you
Krystal is a beautiful sweetheart and has straight A's. August is the complete opposite. He is popular and plays every girl he gets wit. He tries to make his move on Krystal and Krystal ain't having it. One day he realizes that she doesn't want a player he tries to change. But can you really tech an old dog new tricks?