The Wedding Ruse (FirstKhaotung Fanfic)
Plot Summary: In the dazzling world of the Thai entertainment industry, First and Khaotung are two renowned actors whose careers are at a crossroads.
Plot Summary: In the dazzling world of the Thai entertainment industry, First and Khaotung are two renowned actors whose careers are at a crossroads.
Gaipa is experiencing the hardest period in his life after his mother died of her deadly sickness and his crush rejected him. Alan can't move on from all the years he spent with Wen and falls into longtime sadness but still wants to continue to live and find a new partner. After he spends a wonderful dinner with Gai...
Gaipa was lost in his thoughts and couldn't help himself but get curious about the new math teacher, Mr. Alan, who was very young and super hot, as he had heard the rumors. The handsome teacher was always on Gaipa's mind and he didn't know how to stop thinking about him. This is the story about how Gaipa and Alan fell...
Ayan is in a gang known for doing illegal graffiti at night. One night when he was running from the police he met Akk who helped him escape. Later Ayan finds out that Akk is the prefect at the school he transferred to. There Akk is known for strictly following the school's rules and orders. But there is something Akk...
first recently started to get anonymous love letters form a secret admirer, it's a secret he is hiding from everyone. even his sworn enemy khaotung who knows everything about first is also unaware of it. But khaotung has his own secret to protect, that he writes love letters to his long time crush anonymously. ..... w...
Akk is now a senior university student, 5 years after the Suppalo scandal, taking up Business Management. Working two part time jobs while making sure he keeps his honor student's discount just so he can survive after loosing all scholarships that were previously his for the choosing. Akk has no time for love and no t...
"Khautong, a university student and part-time worker, accidentally collided with the Mafia boss while riding his bike. As compensation for breaking the boss's arm in the accident, Khautong was coerced into working for him. Determined to end his involuntary employment, Khautong employs every tactic he can think of to p...
⚠️🔞 First Kanaphan: A tall, handsome , well built body, rich guy, owner of more than 4 Bars in Bangkok, Thailand. 30 years old. He always have one night stands and sleeps around until finally his eyes landed on a beautiful young boy and wanted to keep him only for himself, starts stalking that beautiful boy crazily...