Jack's new life episode 1
Jack is interested in the ABDL community but he is embarrassed to talk about it, however his friend will help him with it
Jack is interested in the ABDL community but he is embarrassed to talk about it, however his friend will help him with it
Een jongen van 16 jaar ziet uit het raam van zijn slaapkamer bijna elke dag op hetzelfde uur een vrouw de supermarkt uitwandelen. Wat hem intrigeert, is de manier waarop ze wandelt.
It is a story about a girl who accidentally starts peeing in her pants which changes her life.
Izzy is a just normal 17 year old girl. She loves cute clothes, cute jewelry and cute boys and girls. But she has been keeping a secret... She likes wearing diapers. She does understand why but she love how they feel between her legs and the comfort they give her. Graduation is right around the corner and keeping her...
dit verhaal gaat over 4 kinderen die ontvoerd zijn en worden gedwongen om dingen te doen die ze niet willen.