What you don't know about the summer.
Wrote by me about what I've struggled with over the past couple years but what could've happened if I wasn't as strong as I was and had the people around me today
Wrote by me about what I've struggled with over the past couple years but what could've happened if I wasn't as strong as I was and had the people around me today
(La storia è in una GRAAAANDE revisione e per come la vedo io così fa mezzo-cagare, quindi tenete le aspettative basse se avete tempo da perdere per leggerla) "Inadatta". Nessuna parola cattura meglio l'essenza di Aurora. Vive in un universo a lei estraneo, convinta di essere stata catapultata nel momento sbagliato, c...
Skulduggery has never told Valkyrie much about his past. He only tell her he strives for redemption. But what happens when a person he hurts gets sick of waiting and comes back for revenge? Click here to find out!