Treasure Island follows young Jim Hawkins, who finds himself owner of a map to Treasure Island, where the fabled pirate booty is buried; honest Captain Smollett, heroic Dr. Livesey, and the good-hearted but obtuse Squire Trelawney, who help Jim on his quest for the treasure; the frightening Blind Pew, double-dealing I...
Megan Spencer is not just smart..she is brilliant. If you know Sherlock Homes, then you know what kind of smart I'm talking about. If your Patrick Star (from Spongebob) you probably don't know him. He's a detective in London who is freakishly smart. Megan loves to solve cases, but what happens when one of her mysterie...
Charlie is a socio who has been abused her whole life. Sherlock has always been on top. What happens when she and her abusive boyfriend move in?