What's wrong with the HEART?
Journaling my thoughts as a poem The book was previously known as ' the poems of heart'
Journaling my thoughts as a poem The book was previously known as ' the poems of heart'
As complicated as time itself, like the silent conversations with the moon and sun, lie the complexity of the screaming but silent thoughts of the stars. "All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." -Edgar Allen Poe
❝Nós somos aqueles que batalham, mas não com espadas, e sim com uma caneta ou um lápis na mão Aqueles que estancam teu sangue, mas que também te fazem sangrar por conta das lembranças vividas Somos aqueles que talvez precisem de abrigo, mas que na maioria das vezes abrigam os corações que necessitam se refugiar Nós so...