When a Virgo Man Falls in Love
taste like hot chocolate with marshmallows xD
you had me at Hello EX-lovers must keep their past relationships a secret while living in the same house and decide whether they want to get back together or move in with new people. - EXchange ZB1 version - Inspired by the South Korean reality dating show named ' EXchange : Transit Love '. Hope you guys enjoy this.
Playlist Episode 1 : Heize - You're cold Episode 2 : Wendy & Seulgi - Don't push me Episode 3 : Ben - Can you hear me? Episode 4 : A'st1 임한별 & T-max 신민철 - Something happened to my heart Episode 5 : Jung Seung Hwan - If it's you Episode 6 : Raymond - Thonk Pan Episode 7 : Conan Gray - Heather Episode 8 : Taylor Swift...