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  • When I Woke Up, I Got A New Wife GL MTL
    26.3K 392 16

    一觉醒来我多了个老婆 Author:祝安君 Lin You, she transmigrated, and transmigrated into a heart-wrenching revenge abo novel. Lin You:? ? ? A black man with question marks all over his face wakes up and has an extra wife, or one with cubs? ? ? The ori...

  • I will never get divorced after wearing scum GL MTL
    5.8K 83 12

    穿成渣A后我绝不离婚 Author:久渡不渡 Zhu Qingran once passed through the book, forcing the overtime workers to become the boss in seconds. It's just that the tyrant boss is extremely scumbag, gender A, hobbies A, B, O, and his catchphrase is "love...

  • After passing through the book, I was forced to play the role of a scumbag
    13.6K 323 10

    穿书后我被迫扮演渣A Author:洛小湃 Wen Jin lives in a quagmire. She is an illegitimate daughter who is regarded as a shame by the Wen family. Life in the Wen family was worse than that of a dog. When she was 19 years old, she didn't even kn...

  • The dandy and her blind girl GL MTL
    2.1K 67 12

    女纨绔和她的盲眼姑娘 Author: 三月春光不老 Before meeting Xue Lingmiao, Su Yu was a well-known dandy in Xiushui City , walking dogs and cockfights, learn everything, and master everything. The daughter's family business is ruined, and she eats and wa...

  • After the divorce, I became the darling of the boss [wear books]
    28.4K 978 52

    Pang Li, the queen of the acting school, accidentally transmigrated into the hidden ex-wife of the actress in Lily Wenli's vase. Childhood sweethearts who have been together for many years and know nothing but good looks. On the day of crossing, Pang Li was kicked by the actress. "I hope my partner is someone who reso...

  • Became popular in variety shows with wealthy girlfriends
    16.5K 254 56

    Mouhu: "What's the happiest thing you've encountered on the road to chasing stars?" Jing Yuanyuan: "Thank you, I have a girlfriend who is a rich woman." Celebrating her birthday on the spot, she was so happy that day. As a gift in return, she accompanied her celebrity girlfriends to participate in a newly launched var...

  • At Your Fingertips (GL) MTL
    2.7K 86 38

    在你的指尖 (冬日解剖) He Lianzhi , who doubled his wife's twenty-eight years old, returned to nine years ago. She hasn't encountered an accident yet, she is in a period of rising career, fame and fortune, and she has a bright future. The first thing she did was to find Zhao Qiyan, who was still singing in the underground bar...

  • The Decadent Senior Sister Returns to the Peak
    10K 608 106

    One day, Shao Mang was drunk and depressed. Looking back on his years of cultivation, he found that he could sum it up in one sentence - the proud daughter of heaven fell into disgust. She didn't understand how she got to where she is today. That night she had a dream. In the dream, she was the omnipotent cannon fodde...

  • Mi Princesa Ha Renacido (GL)
    153 30 3

    GL Autores: Huòxǔ yǒu yītiān - 或许有一天 Título Original: 我的公主重生了 Título en Inglés: My Princess was Reborn Lu Qipei ha muerto a manos de la persona en la que más confiaba. Sin embargo, lo que más lamentaba antes de morir era haberse presentado ante la princesa Qi Yang y haber mantenido con ella un matrimonio fuera de lo n...

  • "The Mysterious Wife at Home"
    1.8K 61 30

    Author:醉风林 (强强 都市 正剧) How could Zhang Yuning be able to withstand being a bodyguard and bed partner, and being a cold-blooded beautiful boss who flirts with her at any time ? She agreed to be a bodyguard for three months, but every time she would end up with her inexplicably . What's even scarier is, why does the boss...

  • "Paranoid Female Boss's Contract Beauty O" (GL). (END)
    24.3K 710 57

    On the night when her biological father wanted to sell her, Li Ge finally made up her mind to find Xu Qingyan.   The top female alpha that made the entire entertainment industry tremble. It is said that she is ruthless and decisive. Anyone who has offended Xu Qingyan will end up in an extremely miserable situation.   ...

  • She gave too much (GL)
    228 9 3

    Chenxi is a good student with excellent academic performance and excellent character at C University. Not only does she get a lot of scholarships, but she is also the first love and dream girlfriend of all the boys at C University. As a result, she secretly becomes the canary of a rich woman. She actually never though...

  • She tricked me to get me home
    14.1K 591 121

    Cheng Que in love with a young person when this person looks good, good grades, but the cold gloomy character, repeatedly refused her a good show, even several times verbal irony, Cheng Que heartbroken, until she recovered memories   and then she found , Isn't this woman the heroine of the ABO True Daughter Revenge Li...

  • 【GL】和死对头成了合约情侣 - 见鲸落(完结)
    1.1K 1 107

    在同性可婚法律通過後,網絡癱瘓了,與此同時,過氣影後季逢雪突然和素有嫌隙的流量小花夏臨夏官宣了。 兩人在各大公共場合頻繁秀恩愛,牽手參加綜藝,狂撒狗糧,收視率狂飆,霸佔各大頭條。 某日,網上傳出二人不合,在公共場合大打出手。 季逢雪解釋說︰"不,我那是親吻未遂。"下次爭取讓她骨折。 夏臨夏點頭︰"嗯,然後我一個反吻。"再一個過肩摔360度轉體扔出去。 粉絲們︰夏季cp是真的好吃!!! 兩人事業蒸蒸日上,直到某日,兩人的戀愛合約被人曝了出來...... 網上炸了。 隨後兩人卻被拍到剛從一家酒店出來,親密無間,你儂我儂。 網友︰假的!都是作戲! 後來,季逢雪無奈發微博︰請個假,去蜜月【結婚證】 夏臨夏馬上轉發︰請勿打擾麼麼噠! * 夏...

  • 【GL,ABO】金牌律师Alpha和她的江医生 - 白娘子 I (第1至200章)(完結)
    3.9K 58 200

    以为得了绝症的岑清伊"破罐破摔"式"放纵,三天后被告知是误诊! 换家医院检查却发现坐诊医生竟是那晚和她春风一度的漂亮女人。 岑清伊假装陌生人全程高冷,1个月后,江知意堵住她家门,面无表情地说了三句话。 第一句:我怀孕了。 第二句:是你的。 第三句:你必须负责。 -- 未来的某一天,江知意堵住她家门,面无表情地说了三句话。 第一句:过来。 第二句:签字。 第三句:离婚。

  • 【GL】玩家请就位 - 时微月上 I (第1至200章)(完結)
    1.3K 1 200

    高智商谁都不爱冷淡大佬VS武力值爆表"鬼见愁" 意外"死亡"后的一部分人被选中进入天网世界,被迫在游戏中和NPC斗智斗勇。 初入副本,系统很贴心的送给萧暮雨菜鸡附身符一枚。 只是还没捂热乎,就狐狸精一样的沈清秋顺走了。 即使丢了护身符,萧暮雨依旧一路S级评分,是系统盖章的学霸。 顺便收了被系统盖了章是校霸的沈清秋当护身符。 沈清秋表示所谓的NPC只是通关路上的拦路虎,上去就是一字,干!从此游戏里的NPC,闻风丧胆! 原来我自以为是的接近,却是你一次次的靠近。

  • 【GL】请嗑我和总监的cp - 一只花夾子(完结)
    3.8K 5 173

    邱漾的女友跟她分了手,轉頭就宣布了自己和另一個男人的婚期,並且還盛情邀請她去婚禮當自己的伴娘。 邱漾︰......你有毛病? 為了消解心中苦悶,邱漾報了個旅行團。 結果旅行倒沒怎麼旅行,天天只和另一個女人待在房間里,嗓子都快啞了。 七天旅行結束,兩人互不聯系。 邱漾只當這是場艷遇,也不放在心上。 回到城市之後,沒多久卻在會議室再度遇見對方。 對方叫沈檸若,是合作公司的高冷總監,臉色如霜,听說她眉頭一皺底下的人連大氣都不敢喘一聲。 邱漾︰? 邱漾︰不是吧,她在我面前不是這樣 沈檸若談了一年的男友是別人的未婚夫,並且婚期將至。 在知道真相的那一刻,她非常平靜,只是看著女方跟女友摟抱的照片發了會兒呆。 發來前方戰報的朋友"嘖"了一聲︰"...

  • 【GL】病美人师尊的千层套路 - 食鹿客 I (第101至222章+番外)(完結)
    986 3 133

    云舒尘堂堂一方长老,风姿绰约,美貌多金,是修仙界不可多得的妙人儿。   唯一不好的是,她虽然修为强横,但体质孱弱,娇娇柔柔,宛若西施弱柳扶风之姿,一年四季能染八次风寒。   身为鹤衣峰唯一弟子的卿舟雪担忧不已--给她的师尊夏天打扇,冬日添暖,冷时加衣,热时消暑,按时喂药,争做二十四孝好徒弟。   师尊半夜咳嗽难以入眠,卿舟雪将人搂入怀中,整夜哄睡。   师尊操劳门派事宜,累得脸色苍白。卿舟雪眉头一蹙,看不过去,主动揽过内外大小事务。   师尊打不动架,掩唇咳血,眼波水光潋滟。卿舟雪看得心惊胆战,拔出长剑让她指哪打哪儿。   直至某一日,卿舟雪恍然醒悟。 都是套路。

  • 【GL】總裁她總是哭唧唧 - 李秋瑯(完结)
    2.1K 4 66

    沈寧馨畢業後進了家企業,做了一名實習生。   公司里氛圍不錯,工作也比較清閑,同事們都很照顧她,除了那個成天黑著臉,沒有一點人情味的冰山老板。   "這個方案不合格,重新改。"   "你這單子做的是怎麼回事,我之前告訴過你幾遍了?"   "今天要是再做不完,晚上就別想走了。"   沈寧馨感覺自己上輩子絕對作了孽,所以才會攤上這麼個一點都不可愛的上司。   直到有一天......她偶然發現了上司的微博小號。   --今天大家下班後聚餐沒帶我,我好難過。   --小張去旅游私底下全給大家帶了特產,就是沒有我的份,我都看見了QAQ   --沈寧馨一整天都沒有和我說話,是不是我昨天罵她太狠,招她討厭了......   要不是看到了相冊里的...

  • 【GL】至我亲爱的学姐 - 易临安(完结)
    977 5 123

    一开始的温敛是不懂学姐为什么那么可爱那么萌的,让她心生了想保护她的想法。在一步步的接近过程中,等她真正明白那是为什么了,她已经在不知不觉中对学姐产生了爱意。 然后温敛的目标就是,追到学姐!然后吃了她!睡了她!保护她!凡是要阻碍她的人,她都要把他斩草除根!一个个不留! 顾羡溪表示:温敛你个笨蛋!暗示的那么清楚,你都不懂,难道真的要她先告白吗?! 第一次恋爱的感觉,小清新,小忐忑,一步步的互相试探,懵懵懂懂的年龄遇上最爱的人。 本文原名《心药gl 》又名 #我和护士姐姐不得不说的故事!# #制服系vs制服系!# 1v1 当然学妹攻! 临安出品,必然甜甜甜甜甜! 我们的目标是,让深夜的医院不再那么寂寞!! 后记: 作者2016年写了这本...

  • 【GL】伪装失忆 - 潇水玄舸(完結)
    2.7K 1 161

    分手五年,蓄谋已久的重逢,禾沐大手一挥,甩出一纸合约,再次将穆青染占为己有。 她要折磨她,然后抛弃她。 她六岁,穆青染十二岁。 初相见,姐姐给她一颗奶糖,甜甜的,化在心里。 一起生活的那么多年,她始终努力追着穆青染的脚步。 从小哭包到美如玉,禾沐始终像仰望神明一样,虔诚地,仰望着穆青染。 有一天,姐姐送她一把尖刀,深深刺进心里,血肉模糊。 她二十四岁,穆青染三十岁。 再相见...... 她不想承认,穆青染这个名字几乎占据她的全部人生。 如果穆青染再送她一颗奶糖,她,还是想做她的小孩。 但,再相见,穆青染连她们的过往都自顾自抹去,那把插在心里的刀搅得更深。 - 禾沐决绝转身的那一刻,穆青染意识到,这一次,好像真的把她的小孩弄丢了。 ...

  • 【GL】从结婚开始沦陷 - 冰刈(完结)
    3.8K 14 120

    被迫联姻,她们一拍即合,领证闪婚。 领证不到半月,唐一涵陪朋友在酒吧闲聊 朋友一脸八卦看着她,满眼带笑地调侃道:"你那个美女老婆就没对你这样那样?" 唐一涵只是淡淡地看她一眼,摇摇头。 朋友满脸不信:"我可不信她对你没有那种想法。" 唐一涵看着身边的朋友,"她不会。" 冷云黎当然不会这样做,也肯定不会有这样的想法。 朋友震惊:"她怎么连这个都不会,这都快奔三的人了!" 一旁不小心听了个墙角的冷云黎:...... 文案2. "公司有事要出差,这两天就不回来了。" "嗯。" "朋友约吃饭,我晚上回来晚,你早点休息。" "嗯。" "这几天要加班......" "好的。" 刚领证的冷云黎,为了晚回家,绞尽脑汁找借口。 后来...... 冷...

  • 【GL,ABO】短命白月光只想鹹魚 - 江一水(完结)
    7.6K 402 122

    既然有人強烈提了,那就避雷:血型文,女主攻分化後會有丁丁。 江轶長到十六歲,忽然覺醒自己是個穿書的,還是穿進了一本不可描述的小說裏。 這本書的女主受,就是她便宜媽媽現女友的女兒--江似霰。 而她就是江似霰的短命白月光。 她要是被江似霰看上,按照劇情,妥妥早日歸西。 為了茍命,江轶決定:我!要好好學習,天天向上,拒絕早戀,成就輝煌!!我是絕對不會為了談戀愛搭上小命的!! 珍愛生命,遠離江似霰從此成了江轶的人生教條。 但我們知道,人類的本質是真香,所以之後-- 江轶:我太傻了,真的。早知道會有那麽一天,我絕對不會浪費那麽多時間在隐藏自己心意的事情上面。我應該每一天都很認真的對你說"我愛你",陪伴你渡過每一個難熬的發情期,永遠不會離開你...

  • 【GL】今日离港 - 鱼宰(完结)
    1.8K 153 152

    1. 刑侦专业第一的陆诗邈,公派去香港警校当了一年交换生。 警校体训成绩不合格,学霸成学渣。 校外室友欺负她,台风天淋成落汤小狗。 警司薛桐把她捡回家,给她养伤,陪她训练, 等到她重回学霸巅峰,薛桐竟把她撩弯后无情地甩了.... 被甩的陆警官跑回内地,进了公安刑侦技术科。 勘验,取证,抓捕。 面对枯燥的海量证据,和警队的鸡飞狗跳。 她却无怨地熬夜追凶犯,加班到天明。 同科室的法医感叹:【陆姐月薪八千五,但她命比美式苦。】 无人知晓....陆警官每天累到浑身臭汗,倒头就睡。 就是为了好好当一只不去想薛桐的鸵鸟。 2. 薛桐没想到自己多年的清心寡欲,竟被内地小孩撩的春心荡漾。 小孩不仅头脑聪明,那方面的技术也很好。 所以她不仅动了真心...

  • A rich man dressed as a vegetative person GL MTL
    11.4K 244 9

    穿成植物人O的豪门赘A Author:公子欢 Ye Fan became the wife of a wealthy family. The original owner was a weak and bully man who was married off by his stepmother to Qin Shujian, the eldest daughter of the Qin family. However, Qin Shujian be...

  • The movie queen has been plotting against me for a long time GL MTL
    9.2K 124 12

    Author: 公子幸川 Chu Zhou was dragged to a bar by a friend. A beautiful woman with a beautiful appearance and a cool temperament handed her a box of milk, and she left with them. At the end of the night, she hinted that she regarded this night   as Have an affair and flee the scene in a hurry.   As a result, the two met a...

  • It's good, not too sweet GL MTL
    6.6K 161 7

    好吃,不甜 Author:云朵糖 Chinese pastry chef Shu Yanyan traveled to the interstellar world and picked up an Alpha beauty who had lost her memory. The beauty was sweet and well-behaved, and Shu Yanyan couldn't help it. The two quickly f...

  • Waste A reformed after having cubs GL MTL
    10.5K 243 6

    废A有崽后改过自新了 Author:无时不宜秋 Ji Xingyi is a good-for-nothing, lazy and muddle-headed. Until she accidentally marked an O, and O was pregnant with her cub. In order to raise O and her cub, she had to work hard and work hard to earn money to...

  • Female supremacy: blasphemy of imperial power [Yuri/GL]
    21.8K 899 103

    [MTL]#1 Title:女尊之亵渎皇权GL Author:清楼 Official Summary: Chao Yang is reborn into a matriarchal dynasty, where the empress harbors deep resentment, the saintess of a holy clan follows her devotedly, and seemingly unrelated figures play roles in her life, including gentle, affectionate companions... Together, they all contr...

  • Running away from the Love-Brain
    4.1K 207 59

    DISCLAIMER: I do not claim ownership over this story. I only MTLed it with AI and polished it. Original novel: Cui Xijin is a germaphobic, sickly person. If she doesn't chew her food slowly and thoroughly, she'll throw up. If someone coughs near her, she'll silently mo...
