Damien Hunter, otherwise known as Damien Lutz, was never stable in the first place. From becoming a Mafia leader of a world renowned group, to having the ownership of a strip club...
Damien Hunter, otherwise known as Damien Lutz, was never stable in the first place. From becoming a Mafia leader of a world renowned group, to having the ownership of a strip club...
Nayani, a twenty-three-year-old female stripper has worked at her boss' club for two years, being the main attraction for each time she's on shift. However, for a year, she's been shoved off to the outer stages, meaning she isn't the attention grabber. Damien, a twenty-five-year-old male club owner remains secretive t...
Xenon, a 20 year old gay man who's never had a job in his life, gets his allowance to cut off my parents, causing him to need a job. Luckily, his friend Faye knows her CEO needs an assistant and sets it up. He didn't expect his boss to be so hot, unfortunately. Eze, a 23 year old bisexual man who hasn't had a relation...