Dante and Virgil pass through the fourth and fifth circle. In the former, there are the greedy and lavish ones, force to roll around a great rock and clashing on one another. In the latter, they meet the wrathful ones, immersed in mud.
Dante and Virgil pass through the fourth and fifth circle. In the former, there are the greedy and lavish ones, force to roll around a great rock and clashing on one another. In the latter, they meet the wrathful ones, immersed in mud.
Dante in in the third circle. The gardian is Cerberus, a three headed dog. Here, Dante will meet Ciacco, his fellow citizen and will ask some questions about Florence's future.
Dante is in the second circle. Here, he meets Paolo and Francesca, who tell him their tragic love story.
Dante enters the first circle of hell, meeting all the greatest philosophers of the ancient times.
Dante comes to the gates of hell and meets the first damned souls closed in here. They are waiting to cress the river Acheron, under Caron's supervision.
The journey officially starts. Dante doubts his strength, but Virgil reasures him, revealing who sent him there to help and guide him.
Dante finds himself lost and facing three dangerous beasts when an unsuspected guide finds him and helps him find the right path. Let the journey begin.