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  • VII
    1 0 1

    Dante and Virgil pass through the fourth and fifth circle. In the former, there are the greedy and lavish ones, force to roll around a great rock and clashing on one another. In the latter, they meet the wrathful ones, immersed in mud.

  • VI
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    Dante in in the third circle. The gardian is Cerberus, a three headed dog. Here, Dante will meet Ciacco, his fellow citizen and will ask some questions about Florence's future.

  • V
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    Dante is in the second circle. Here, he meets Paolo and Francesca, who tell him their tragic love story.

  • IV
    1 0 1

    Dante enters the first circle of hell, meeting all the greatest philosophers of the ancient times.

  • III
    4 0 1

    Dante comes to the gates of hell and meets the first damned souls closed in here. They are waiting to cress the river Acheron, under Caron's supervision.

  • II
    3 0 1

    The journey officially starts. Dante doubts his strength, but Virgil reasures him, revealing who sent him there to help and guide him.

  • I
    1 0 1

    Dante finds himself lost and facing three dangerous beasts when an unsuspected guide finds him and helps him find the right path. Let the journey begin.