Naughty Little Joke Book
Funny short stories guaranteed to make you laugh out loud. Sources: stuff I've heard from friend, family, readers, and other folk who thought they'd spread some joy and laughter.
Funny short stories guaranteed to make you laugh out loud. Sources: stuff I've heard from friend, family, readers, and other folk who thought they'd spread some joy and laughter.
On my SpongeBob Quotes book I said I was going to make about about Disney. Well now it expanded to all and any cartoons! (maybe movies) Quotes, facts, theroies, and more all together in one book! I hope you enjoy!
in her sleep she panics as she is being taunted... In reality she is losing sanity cus she is being haunted in her dreams lies nightmares
Hey! Have you ever wanted to be the most annoying person on earth? Well sorry but that position is currently occupied by me. That's ok though, because here is your guide to be the equal most annoying person ever! It's got all you need to know to be totally annoying to everyone. Obviously as a joke of course. Trust me...