эта скамейка причиняет мне боль // том каулитц
парк. скамейка. рисунок. и он - тот, кто забрал моё сердце навсегда.
парк. скамейка. рисунок. и он - тот, кто забрал моё сердце навсегда.
В городе Берлин, который был самым большим в Германий, появилась мафия. Девушка Луиза стала одной из жертв, но кто же мог подумать, что главный этой мафии полюбит ее.
A sequel to My Living Nightmare. The black nothingness that now enveloped my soul was the only thing that seemed to keep me going. The thought of him imprinted on my brain was a cruel reminder of the place which I had come. Was I really destined to die alone? Was I really meant to keep on living in this fucked up worl...
He was good looking, drove a sexy car and always had a girl on his arm, he seemed to be the ideal man to every girl's eye, but he was the complete opposite. My name is Taylor, and I am one of those girls he has on his arm. I wasn't put there willingly, no not at all, I was forced to be his pet, thats what he called me...