Teen Titans- Um Amor Proibido
Esta história fala do amor entre Ravena e Robin💖. Ele é o salvador dela.
Esta história fala do amor entre Ravena e Robin💖. Ele é o salvador dela.
E se no lugar dos eventos de Apokolips, outro destino fosse selado? • Realidade alternativa. • Sem revisão ortográfica.
Advertencia, algunas escenas e imágenes no son aptas para todo público, favor de leer con discreción Raven y Robin no recuerdan lo que sucedió con ellos la noche anterior, pues para sorpresa de ambos, ellos habían despertado en la misma cama... Saben que no pueden seguir simulando que no sucedio nada, así que investig...
Robin, ya cansado de los constantes rechazos de Star, decide buscar un nuevo Amor, uno que acepte sus lindos y verdaderos sentimientos. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _Historia en proceso. _Robin y Raven.
A fanfiction taking place after The Death Of Superman, where Robin And Raven fall in love.
IN PROCESS OF EDITING, please just save the story in your library if you plan on reading this because right now, the story is kind of all over the place and i want to add a few things into it..... Raven. Everyone knows her, the daughter of Trigon, half demon, and an empath on a team everyone knows, the Teen Titans. Yo...
A story/song. Robin finds a whole new side to the dark, emotionless girl on their newly formed team. Each chapter isn't a continuation of the last, unless you request.
The Titans have disbanded and Rachel has kept in touch with all of the Titans but one. Just when she thinks she will never see him again he shows up when she needs him the most. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It sounds cheesy, I know, but I hope someone likes it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimers: I do...
Trapped in her own darkness, surrounded by her demons. What can help her escape her self-proclaimed destiny? [graphic artwork: ]
He kissed her. But he loves Starfire. BeastBoy loves her. But he's never kissed her. She's a demon. But she fights for good. She loves him. But it's impossible. Raven, Daughter of the demon Trigon, just saved the planet she was being forced to destroy. But the confusion in the aftermath might destroy her.
"Crimson on ivory. A red rose on a blanket of snow. I should stop, but the sight of the blood is overwhelming - I need to see more. It's... beautiful." Two years, Raven has been suffering from self harm for two years now, and she just can't stop. Everything was going downhill, everything still is, and it has reache...
(Cover art is by suzy1000 on deviantart) Raven is captured by the one and only Slade and can't seem to find a way out of his grasp. Robin searches everywhere for his friend, and realizes he might just love the mysterious half demon. Realization turns into a relationship, and it goes from there.
Robin loves Raven, Raven loves Robin. It might take some getting used to but eventually they find their way into each others hearts. Continue reading to find out how they fall in love to how they argue like an old couple. Enjoy. (One Shots).
What happens when Raven is called back to Azarath for a prestigious test that determines who gets the throne of Azarath? And what is she hiding about the test that makes Robin so eager to find out? A tale of trust, secrets and adventure that brings you deeper into the life and minds of our favourite birds, Raven and R...
Teen Titans (animated show) fan fiction. Robin is dead. Raven is in deep despair, until she sees a shadow resembling the dead bird. Beast Boy just can't seem to get over Terra. Will the two be able to find a way to bring their loves back? Or will they be stuck living alone and unhappy? Robrae. BBTerra.
(Original cover art done by suzy1000 on deviantart) Nightwing and Raven have been together for a while now, yet only Cyborg knows. What will happen when the other two find out? How will they find out? To add to that, A little surprise ends up in Titans Tower. And it's for the couple. What is it? Read to find out!
finally some robrae chats for all robrae fans, i might do it in season wise and you bros can give me ideas..oh btw i found a book where i had written these from a loooonnggg time and wanted you guys to read it so enjoy it -robrae4evaa :)
Disclaimer - This story is very old, I wrote it when I was in 5th grade. So, I'm sorry if it's not very good, 10 year old me wasn't a very good writer. Okay so I absolutely love the teen titans show! And I started supporting robrae so I decided to make a robrae fan fiction! Get used to it! Yes I have another teen tita...
I've been rewatching Teen Titans and I couldn't help but make a fanfic with my otp robrae !! Hope you enjoy !! PLEASE NOTE The only thing I own is the plot!! Thanks [COMPLETED] Hello, way distant future author here, I wrote this book like freshman year of High School, the storyline is actually good but the writing...
The teen titans have been broken up for years. Everyone gone their own ways. But one day they all happen to bump into each other, but there is something about raven that has changed. Is it a good change? Or a bad change? Read to find out!!!!
This is a teen titans fanfic about the shipping if Robin and raven but this in the future where raven is the queen of azarath and Robin becomes night wing but is the opposite of good which means bad. The teen titans had to split up because of one meeting that will be mention in the story, raven soon finds out all of t...
Admitting you're lonely is the first step at acceptance. I dont own the Teen Titans, as you all should know.
Cuando un amor surge, hay que aceptar que estas enamorado(a). -Los personajes le pertenecen a DC cómics. -Pero la historia es 100% mía.
💜❤💜❤ ~ Tenemos un vínculo, ¿recuerdas?. Estuviste dentro de mi mente, déjame estar en la tuya.~ 💜❤💜❤ #1 RobRae 08/02/20; 16/04/24 × Historia creada por mí. × No se permiten adaptaciones. × Los derechos de los personajes pertenecen a DC Cómics.
Raven donde estas te busco y no te encuentro solo quiero que todo se acomode y tu y yo podamos estar juntos. -Historia 100% mía. -Los personajes son de DC. -Cualquier versión de la historia o de los personajes que sean inventados por mi en la historia tendrá que tener mi consentimiento o si no sera reportada. Gracias...
Historia de amor entre dos integrantes de la Liga JOBENES TITANES raven una chica de oscuridad robin chico dispuesto a alludaria a encontrar la luz en ella
Primera temporada "Prometo amarte, prometo estar contigo para siempre Raven" recuerdo esas palabras tan elocuentes que pasan por mi mente "te protegeré de todo y de todos" esas simples promesas que no fueron cumplidas por mi, ahora se que las p...
robin y raven son 2 desconocidos que poco a poco uno va sintiendo algo por el otro como terminara?????...........
Ella siempre salía leer a la luz de la Luna. Él siempre la veía cada vez que salía.