Fun things for Therians to do
🌿🐾Some different crafts, activities, and other stuff I have seen or tried as a therian! Hope that all you readers have fun trying or reading about these different things!
🌿🐾Some different crafts, activities, and other stuff I have seen or tried as a therian! Hope that all you readers have fun trying or reading about these different things!
🍄Some tips and tricks to help you navigate life as a therian or otherkin! Also includes tips for specific types of animals, dictionary type chapters, and tips on connection!🍄 🌿I appreciate all the support that I can get!!🌿 🌺(These chapters are from my older book, just with some updates and reorganization)🌺
There are some things you can do as therian,or things that will help you connect! Also this is my first story and sorry for mistakes :D