The escape
Prison is not a place you wanna be in. Justin Bieber is the one who would change it. When you're a girlfriend to the boy who have killed so many times people don't like you. Prison always changes you.
Prison is not a place you wanna be in. Justin Bieber is the one who would change it. When you're a girlfriend to the boy who have killed so many times people don't like you. Prison always changes you.
The revenge isn't sweet - Отмъщението не е сладко. История, която разказва за едно Отмъщение, което се превръща в кошмар за много души. С желанието си за мъст, 20 годишният Джъстин Бийбър е способен да съсипе собственото си щастие. Младата Хейли Макбийл има чудесен живот, преди всичко това да се случи. Хейли остава по...
When Dean Winchester wakes up everyday in Hell, the only thing he has to keep him company is his own thoughts and the hope of making it out alive.
What are you gonna do if your boss was THAT hot? Make-out with him? Of course! At least that's what Kelsey Marshall did. Does your boss care about you? Well, not exactly.