Depression/ selfharm/ anorexia poems
short/long poems about depression, self harm and eating disorders. This may be very triggering for people, so if you are recovering from any of these things I advise you not to read it.
short/long poems about depression, self harm and eating disorders. This may be very triggering for people, so if you are recovering from any of these things I advise you not to read it.
Quotes and others about depression, cutting, scars, bullying, ...
Some die Some starve Some cry Most cut And they will be missed Some are alone Some are lost in a crowd Some yell out and moan Most do not voice their troubles aloud And they will be missed #1 Poetry #2 Random
The utter most inner thoughts and feelings of one who has but no other way to express them and therefore without a pen a paper she very much may spontaneously combust in an explosion of secrets bottled up for far far too long. : )
INTRO Uniqe is a 14 year old boy who goes to Yiegh Town High school. He has straight A’s, but no one notices him. He’s an outcast with no friends except Ender. Uniqe is never noticed by anyone. People push him around, and I know you’ll ask about his name.It’s not actually Unique.He just calls himself that because of h...