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  • Poézia (aspoň myslím)
    182 27 15

    "Keď sa my vyberieme spať, sotva si nás bude niekto pamätať."

  • Myšlienky zaspali v objatí citov
    397 67 27

    ____Druhá rozprava o stratených a nájdených slovách____ ..Krvácam na papier, lebo ten mi prostredník neukáže, --aj keď viem, že hroty slov sú často najostrejšie. #2. in #poetry 24.7. 24 #1. in #poezia 15.10.24 #1. In myšlienky 21.10.24, 24.12.14

  • Nevinnost❤
    72 2 6

    Trochu poezie a myšlenek na tebe🖤

  • V srdci nekonečnej vody
    305 88 21

    Zbierka básní, ktorá ťa pochopí, podá pomocnú ruku a nenechá ťa trpieť samého vo svete plnom sĺz...

  • Malý kousek noci
    236 15 12

    Sbírka poezie. Dvanáct básní, které svou návazností popisují mou osobní kolizi s nedůvěrou vůči lásce a sobě samotné, která mě donutila dospět.

  • Lost in my own mind
    110 27 9

    I am lost. These words are like a map to help me guide my way.....and maybe find myself one day. ig:zo_.srdca

  • Just something...
    151 9 37

    Zbierka básní mojich myšlienok a pocitov. Nie len básne. Ktoré necítim len ja ale mnoho z nás. Zatiaľ v Angličtine, pracujem aj na slovenskej verzii. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A collection of poems of my thoughts and feelings. Not just poems. Which not only I feel but man...

  • You And MY Eyes
    3.8K 611 15

    "This book is a collection of poetry that delves into the heartache of unrequited love. It tells the story of a girl who admires a boy deeply, believing in the beauty of her love, only to discover that his heart belongs to someone else. Through raw emotions and poignant words, the poems explore the pain, longing, and...

  • zo srdca
    46 17 7

    Cítim ako mi bije srdce v hrudi. Niekedy to nenávidím, niekedy je to príjemné. Tieto slová mi tečú v žilách. ig: zo_.srdca

  • Trapped in my mind
    432 80 24

    Poetry is a way to relate to the world. Its ability to distill complex emotions into a few carefully chosen words is something I find so deep and special. I have been reading poetry ever since I'm a teenager but until I wrote my own, I could not fully relate to words that I have read. Now, when I find myself overwhel...

  • Petals of Ink Instead of Tears
    247 89 19

    For it is better to bleed on paper, Than bleed on the ground. For it is better to weep on paper, Than weep on the ground. For it is better to shout on paper, Than shout on the ground. Your weapon is a sword, Mine is a pen. Your shield is of metal, Mine is of a tree. Your battles are ancient, Mine are older than huma...