SMG4 Altered: Season 2 Introduction!
It's time for the introduction to SMG4 Altered: Season 2!
It's time for the introduction to SMG4 Altered: Season 2!
Mario finds himself going into several worlds! And they are filled with... OBJECTS?!? AND THEY'RE LIVING?!? Looks like he'll have to battle it out then!
SMG4's year is not off to a great start! He's running late! Will he make it all the way across the Mushroom Kingdom in time to interact with Mario?
This brothership sure is stupid! Mario and Luigi go on a crazy adventure through a strange portal and yeah... It's crazy all right!
2 new figures are created in an experiment and the crew gives chase! Do they have what it takes to bring these 2 new buds home?
Mario has summoned a few spirits around the castle and him and SMG4 have been informed of a quest... 3 Sacred Gems were lost long ago... Gems known as... The Gems of Life... Can Mario and SMG4 get these Sacred Gems before life as they know it crumbles?
It's Valentine's Day! And many people are choosing who their Valentine will be... But what they don't know, is that Heart Eyes has their new target on... The Mushroom Kingdom...
Mario has made himself a new food truck for Spaghetti! Come on, come all!