Adam Lambert Quotes And Lyrics
Adam Lambert quotes and lyrics. He is my saviour: my angel, my inspiration. *open once more*
Adam Lambert quotes and lyrics. He is my saviour: my angel, my inspiration. *open once more*
Liam a 17 year old guy. He was born to be an ordinary boy but because of the unfairness of faith and destiny he had been through a lot and this is what made him who he is today. Liam has been raped at the age of five by his cousins so he didn't really chose his sexual orientation. Liam is gay but he lives in a socie...
Connaissez vous l'angoisse ? quand vous obtenez le sucre mais le sel qui manquait ? Connaissez-vous cette chaleur qui innonde votre torse et fait vibrer votre coeur ? a chaque songe à l'idée de perdre votre âme soeur à jamais Connaissez vous les rides d'attentes ? de cette insomnie qui vous tient chaque nuit Conna...
Moving forward alongside love and hate... Perhaps that is what makes Troy and Harry best friends.