100 Black Veil Brides Facts
All the facts you should know about BVB :) Note: There is an Italian translation for this story that can be found in my reading list.
All the facts you should know about BVB :) Note: There is an Italian translation for this story that can be found in my reading list.
How many hours are in a day when you don't spend half of them watching television? When is the last time any of us really worked for something that we wanted? How long had it been since any of us really needed something that we wanted? The world we knew is gone. The world of commerce and frivolous necessity has been r...
Charlotte's parents moved to England when she was 19 and decided not to go. Instead she'd live with her best friend Jinxx from Black Veil Brides. Her life is turned up-side-down when she meets the gorgeous Andy Biersack at a New Years party. Find out how everything turns out in You're Not Alone