X-Men: As Told By AI (VOLUME TWO)
Following the Skrull invasion (As Seen in "Skrull Invasion: As Told By AI") the X-Men begin to hunt for the real colossus. What happened to their teammate? Will they find him? Find out!
Following the Skrull invasion (As Seen in "Skrull Invasion: As Told By AI") the X-Men begin to hunt for the real colossus. What happened to their teammate? Will they find him? Find out!
The origin of "As Told By AI" Wolverine. How does the man become the beast? Find out in this action packed story!
The Heroes of the "As Told By AI" Universe have come together to defeat the skrulls from taking over earth. Will they succeed? Read to find out! To read the prelude to this event read the following X-Men: As Told By AI (VOLUME ONE) Avengers: As Told By AI (VOLUME ONE)
In the newest addition to the "As Told By AI" universe we see the formation of earth's mightiest heroes. What does the future have in store for them? Only tAIme will tell!
The X-Men form in this new universe written entirely by AI. Who will the X-Men be? What will they do? Find out in this story! Check out some other "As Told By AI" Titles! Spider-Man: As Told By AI (VOLUME ONE), (VOLUME TWO), (VOLUME THREE) Fantastic Four: As Told By AI (VOLUME ONE), (VOLUME TWO), (VOLUME THREE)
as reed and sue prepared to get married somebody has different plans. How will the happiest day of their lives become the worst? Read this AI generated story to find out!
that is what the AI thinks annihilus looks like. how...?
This is purely for fun. I do not condone using ai for serious purposes!
This is not meant to be some sort of passion project or take writers jobs. this is purely for fun and no other purpose.