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  • Boy on the bench
    9.2K 794 3

    A short story in which a girl learns that a single conversation can make you view the entire world differently. ~ * 1st place best short story- Rose Gold Awards * 1st place best story story- Seraph Awards ~ Copywrite @GotTheStyles Cover art by @IngahansenN

  • Yellow.
    3.3M 148K 99

    Harry is a single autistic father, ready to prove his love for his little daughter and willing to break the ableist stereotypes placed on him. This is a heartwarming story, following Harry's growth while making friends and finding love through a common love for comics and milkshakes. Book 1 - Coloured Series.

  • Winter [Harry Styles AU]
    1.7M 51.3K 26

    Winters in London are cold. Harry drinks tea to keep warm. Lena doesn't like that. She's much more of a coffee person, really.

  • Macchiati di nero [HS]
    152K 7.2K 43

    E mentre anche questo foglio si macchia di nero, ti chiedo dove sei, ti chiedo se tornerai. Mentre cerco di capire se c'è un modo per fuggire, tu non torni mai. Mentre la bellezza d'essere stata felice si dissolve nel niente, tento di restare in piedi. E mentre, alla fine, cado giù, tu a prendermi non ci sei più. ___...

  • Latĕbra
    53.9K 4.6K 30

    Tutto solo, circondato d'abbandono, a mugolare suoni indistinti, mentre a fatica si dondolava e un po' piangeva. Tutto solo, circondato d'abbandono, a scaldarmi il cuore - - povera creatura; lì mero, senza affetto. copyright reserved to @thescientis, 2016. cover by @slutindie

  • Fat // Harry Styles
    2.8M 103K 50

    in which an overweight young woman in an abusive relationship wants to piece her life back together before her mental and physical health come crashing down. [highest ranking: #11 in fanfiction] [Winter Fanfiction Awards Winner 2016!] [cover made by @ashtxning] All Rights Reserved © juliawrites [GET AFFORDABLE HARRY M...

  • cigarettes & coffee » styles
    86.2K 6.6K 26

    They met over cups of coffee and marlboro cigarettes and they made each other's day

  • Speechless [H.S.] (Ita) IN REVISIONE
    522K 27.5K 50

    La storia che segue non é mia ma appartiene a Duckiilovesyou66. Questa é soltanto una traduzione quindi se ci fossero problemi per quanto riguarda la grammatica e l'ortografia sentitevi liberi di farmelo sapere. Buona lettura Xx. "It's been 14 years since I last spoke a single word. 14 years of silence. The doctors t...

  • Dealing With Absence » h. styles au
    844K 27.5K 74

    ✓ "The day he lost his mind was the day he lost his heart." - He's a broken-hearted artist who's just left rehab with nothing but the clothes on his body. She's chosen living life waiting tables in a nearly bankrup café instead of going further on her career. He abhors the possibility of ever loving again and she does...

  • paper memories. - n.h.
    37.7K 1.2K 8

    [on hold] → "Smile blue eyes." She snapped the photo of him, before he could manage to escape the demanding lens and following sharp flash from the polaroid camera. With a smirk and playful eyes she whispered, "see. Now you won't be merely a memory. You'll be my paper memory." Trailer by @v...