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  • HE'S INTO HER Season 1
    379M 8.8M 97

    Season 2 coming out February 24! With a promise to change in his last year in high school, Deib Lohr Enrile's plans to stop his bullying ways suddenly change when he crosses paths with Maxpein Zin del Valle. As Deib meets his match in Max, can he finally change his ways, or will he be in for something more? *** In his...

  • HE'S INTO HER Season 2
    354M 2.4M 24

    Confused with his feelings for Max, Deib tries his best to suppress these and avoid Max at all costs. But when the saying 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' suddenly applies to him, can Deib keep his growing feelings in, or will he decide otherwise? *** Starting out as enemies, Deib Lohr Enrile believes someone lik...