Sodor's Final Destination
based on the Final Destination films
Spoiler Alert: You're gonna get chills after you finish reading this story. TW: This story contains certain elements such as hit & run, murder, death, etc, and is not made for kids under 13 years old. Viewer discretion is advised. Do not read if you don't want to be offended by these. Someone make a narration of this...
With the ever increasing workload, Donald the Scottish Twin, and the other engines of The Fat Controller's Railway find themselves busier than ever! And with the hottest summer the engines have ever seen, comes a whole new set of problems! From fire bans, to water shortages, and the reappearance of Sodor's most dislik...
After Harvey is taken out of commision, Edward, Skizz and York find themselves embarking on a adventure of a lifetime. From missed deadlines, sinking ships and even the fears of Edward taking a swim, the engines work as hard as they can to restore the harbour before the grand opening! Something I've always wanted to m...
A fan-made season of TTTE. This will have the usual 26 episodes with one or two being released each Month and lasting for around 4-5 minutes.
the original Sodor Eclipse remaster in all its glory. Based on The Railway Series by Wilbert Awdry And Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends by Britt Alcroft and David Mitton Rewrite/ Remaster of Sodor Eclipse by Thigh Enjoyer Written by Truck of Tar Published by SodorArchives2023 (CraneProductions27)
'A black Scottish twin, a stupid couple and toxic gas... Sounds about right?' An au originally created by Truck of Tar
The year of 1956! Such a grand time to be alive! Y'know, aside from the constant threat of Communism, war, ect. But forget all that. The Island of Sodor has just purchased a new engine 'Montague' to help out with the shunting work. Richard has lived on Sodor for pretty much all his life, having moved there in 1940 t...
This book is mainly just for me to put edits that aren't from any story or that i wanted to do, or to just notify people about things ill do, while being able to post pics
Am adapting this for Inspired by the works of Shanks and others
The Sudrian landscape, a tranquil environment filled with childlike wonder... Ah well, it used to be. Due to a collapsed laboratory, all hell breaks loose on the island as the Sudrians turn against each other whilst the common fog becomes hostile. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Wr...
After a gas leak erupts, the once magical island of Sodor has been engulfed in horror. This time, there are no quick fixes to this incident. With countless objectives in their path, will the residents of the island have what it takes to best this catastrophe? Credits to the leakage team! xSkibby: Main Editor, Sprite...
The year is 1965 and something strange is happening as an unknown virus spreads across the Mainland and within days the virus begins to rapidly increase, then everything goes to hell as people begin to change into monsters and sending the Mainland into fear and chaos as they are being hunted down by those things. This...
Our story sets around a scottish tender engine who's name is. Douglas and his crew, Robert and John who are stuck on their home land. The Island of Sodor. As it's been now terrorised by zombies who are out and are hungry for blood. (Important information): With permission from Ffarquhar Engine Studios but now known as...
When NATO and United Nations are gone, 5 countries invade Sodor while the United Kingdom attempts to protect the island. Can James, Donald, Oliver, and many more survive? Or will the island become part of a different country? Find out...
He was once the island's sole protecter, but now he will be what destroys it... Head writers: Shanks, CraneProductions27, EC Other writers: everyone else in trainyard
⚠️⚠️This AU contains things not suitable for young readers. Viewer discretion is very much advised!⚠️⚠️ In this Sci-Fi Adventure, a young boy and his friends must try to navigate their way through an attack on their homeland, encountering many friends and foes along the way. AU INSPIRATIONS Kirk Ronan: Survivalist Out...
Sodor: Attack From The Unknown by Starboy-Mark Re-written by Thomas_patrick1234 Sodor undergoes a war that leaves many dead, and many others fighting for their lives.
A few years after the Second World War, and it was during the early years of the North western Railway. Things seemed to be going fine for the sudrians only for the Soviets to launch an attack on the Island in an attempt to take it over. Now James The Number 5 along with his Crew, Phill and Felix must survive the eter...
Sodor is a place of happiness and joy. A place where living engines work. However things go horribly wrong as a disease spreads throughout the island turning people into monsters hungry for flesh. But you already knew that, didn't you? there are, in theory, infinite universes, so, how about we see a world where the fa...
Dig In In The Comments of The Chapters, I'll Make! I Won't Do All, But Please Give Your Ideas!