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  • Fake Girlfriend(JackJackJohnson)❤️
    3K 36 6

    Hanna and Lina are both 17 y/o and they are moving to LA. They heard that Jack and Jack were having a concert in LA so they decided to move there earlier. What will happen when Hanna bumps into the one and only Jack Johnson?! How will he react?! How will Hanna react?! What will Lina and JackG do?! What will menagment...

  • Cold Air // Sam Wilkinson
    6.6K 84 6

    "sometimes all it needs is some cold air"

  • Is It Really You → j.j
    4.8K 107 20

    Brielle carpenter is put into Magcon by her uncle Bart to connect with her brother that doesn't even know she exists. What will happen.Will he find out ? Will she fall for one of his friends?

  • His Monsters [ Cameron Dallas Fan fiction ]
    20.4K 500 19

    ❝You're a monster...❞ ❝No... I have my monsters, but that doesn't make me one.❞

  • Living With Jack Johnson
    1.4K 15 14

    A really big imagine book of the adventures of living with Jack Johnson

  • heartless➳m.e.
    4K 114 15

    "I opened up to you, and you judged me"

  • You Said Forever (Jack Gilinsky Love Story)
    14.4K 251 34

    "Time is something that a lot of people grasp on to and make something from. But with our life, we don't know how much time we have. But what I do know, is that I want to spend my time with you, forever." "Forever?" "Forever."

  • bad habits and broken smiles
    13.9K 489 20

    He's got bad habits, she's got a broken smile. They share a passionate desire for different things; his is for her and hers is for her blades.

  • The Bullies (Magcon)
    9.2M 208K 85

    Hannah Williams was in 10th grade by then. She has been bullied since 4th grade. She's been through a lot but her sister helped her get through it. And you know who are these GUYS that bullied her? Well, they're names are Taylor Caniff, Cameron Dallas, Matthew Espinosa, Nash Grier, Carter Reynolds and Shawn Mendes. To...

  • Their Paid Girl
    26.4M 390K 47

    Shawna Roberts is the girl that every guy turns to when they need a fake date, a fake girlfriend, a fake fling to make some other girl jealous, a fake couple photo to send to their parents... Shawna's pretty much seen it all. But no matter what they pay her for, everything she does has one common factor: it's all fake...